Happy New Year’s! :: Eye Candy Blogfest

Only two more hours until the final countdown to the new year of 2011! Regardless of where you are celebrating your New Year’s, I hope your last few moments of 2010 are memorable and special. Now for my entry for the Eye Candy Blogfest, which is hosted by Vicki Rocho at her blog, Rambles & Randomness. The idea is to post my single favorite picture. I couldn’t literally choose which photo was my favorite, so I just decided to post ONE of them. :P Here is mine:


My Resolutions for 2011

Question of the Day: If you could be famous for one day, what would you like to be famous for?

In my last post, I discussed what are the steps to creating an ideal New Year’s resolution. With only a couple days left of 2010, I have created my yearly checklist of resolutions for 2011…this year, I have 28. Some people call me crazy for having so many goals, but for the past three years it has actually worked pretty well. This past year in 2010, I completed 21 out of 29 resolutions, which is kind of cool if you really think about it. :)

It’s been a pretty tough year for me what with all the transitioning from high school to college, but I do feel proud for having accomplished so much as well….I got all A’s in my first semester of college, learned how to control my temper, went “green,” landed a position at two college magazines, and very importantly: started blogging. Back in January, I aimed for 20 followers by the end of the year. Now, I have 60! As cheesy as this sounds, thanks so much for reading my blog and believing in me and my writing. :D The comments I get on my entries constantly give me motivation and support, and they really mean a lot. So thank you!!


5 Steps To a Resolution You’ll Stick With

Question of the Day: What is your favorite holiday song? Among my favorites are Last Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, and Do You Hear What I Hear.

Now that the Christmas season is over, it is almost time to count down…..2011 is almost here! Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Or are you still trying to think of a goal that you can, well, actually commit to? Making a resolution is hard, and sticking to it is even harder.

Personally, I love New Year’s resolutions. What better way to begin a brand new year than with a newfound determination to improve yourself for the better as a person? I’ve listed five steps that I’ve used for the past few years that are guaranteed to help you choose a resolution that is both bold and possible.


Stay WARM and Stay ACTIVE….with a Shuttlecock!

Question of the Day: If you had to choose, would you rather deal with really hot or really cold weather?

I’d just like to answer my own QOTD for a moment and make a case as to why I’d rather deal with really cold weather. Well, personally I get nauseous in the heat and just like cool weather in general. My practical argument is the fact that you can always put on more clothes if you’re cold. When you’re in the sweltering heat, though, you can’t just…like, peel off your skin. :/

Aaaanyway. On to today’s post! x)

In China, when the youth got cold during the wintertime they would do anything they could to work out, exercise, move their body. Stay active. One of the most popular sports that they would play was with the shuttlecock, or as the Chinese call it, the jianzi.
You can buy one for yourself HERE or you can make your own!


Gift Ideas That Come From the Heart

Question of the Day: What is the best gift you’ve ever received? What’s the best gift you’ve ever given to someone else?

Here it is, yet another Christmas just around the corner. The fam’s perking up, what with all the festive decorations and big meal plans. You’ve got the toy trains ready for your nephews, the Barbie dolls for your nieces, the journals for your aunts and the wallets for your uncles. But nada for your sister, brother, Mom, Dad, immediate family.

You feel like you’ve bought it all in the past. Movies, books, lotions, golf clubs, candlesticks. What about this year? No clue. It’s like all the gift ideas have been sucked out of you. And there’s…what, five days left? Four? Dang it!


Twisted Christmas Fairy Tale Blogfest

Francine over at Romancing in the Blog is hosting a fantastic Twisted Christmas Fairy Tale Blogfest. The basic idea is that entries should turn those happy, famous fairy tales into, well, twisted nightmares.

I’m not that great at horror stories but I tried. :] I chose a tale that most people are familiar with, I hope you will be able to guess which one it is. ;) I’m sorry it’s so long though…I started working on it last night and had planned on just writing some and then posting it, but I got so into it that it went on and on! Hope you enjoy anyway. Thanks very much to Francine for hosting this. Be sure to check out the other entries as well!


There’s Nothing Better Than…..


My uncle and I discovered something absolutely AMAZING when you mixn’melt n u t e l l a together with a rich dose of m i l k:

The world’s best Hot Chocolate!

1) Heat milk in a saucepan.
2) Using a spoon, scoop a generous amount of Nutella and drop it in the saucepan.
3) Stir frequently until the Nutella melts completely.
4) It’s magic!


Reading Between the Lines

Question of the Day: What song inspires you? Why? Is it the rhythm, the lyrics, or something else special about it?

I’d like you to me Mr. Duke. He’s a nice guy….been hanging out with me for a good while now. He lets me tell him anything I want. Very good secret keeper, I must say.