Merry Christmas, Blogosphere!!!

Question of the Day: How will you be spending Christmas Day?

Well, the clock just struck 12am. Eh, I should be asleep right now but I just thought I’d wish my favorite online folks a happy Christmas and merry holiday! Whoops, got that mixed up…

I’d like to share with you a video that someone really close emailed to me. It meant a lot.

This song is by Darren Criss. You may know him from A Very Potter Musical, or perhaps you recognize Darren as the new stud Blaine on Glee. Either way, he is extremely awesome and truly talented. :)

For some, Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. For others, it’s about the lovely gifts you receive and return. For me, it’s about all that and more: Christmas is about spending time with the people who matter most and will always be there for you.

3 responses to “Merry Christmas, Blogosphere!!!”

  1. Trisha says:

    For my family, Christmas is about getting together with the family and/or friends.

    We have a tradition for Christmas morning – going to the beach to share champagne/orange, bagels with cream cheese/salmon/ham, and…just generally relaxing for a few hours before the harrowing part of the day (present opening, gathering with most of the family, etc.) begins.

    This Christmas it was horribly hot and I think I got heat stroke! I’m jealous of everyone who gets snow at Christmas ;)

  2. hey luv! did you have a very merry christmas? i hope you did! thanks for this sweet post.

  3. Amelia says:

    thank you for visiting and all your comments. It’s taking me such a long time to get round to visiting everyone that I’m not even sure if I will get it done!

    I hope you had a wonderful christmas and go on to have a BRILLIANT new year – I notice we’ve both posted music that’s obviously moved us.

    Tomorrow my son returns and I have enjoyed the break, and from tomorrow will have to knuckle down again :)

    happy wishes,


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