Category Archives: The SELF Diet

The Self Diet

~*Potter Parade: 10 Most Epic “Small” Events in Harry Potter*~

Question of the Day: Fred or George?

-Rubeus Hagrid, Book 1

5 Days Until Harry Potter #7 Part 1

***Spoiler Alert: You may not want to read this if you haven’t read HP but are planning to or are currently in the process of reading the series

Hello! I have compiled a short list of the 10 most epic “small” events in Harry Potter. I mean, we all know what the most epic “big” events were…Harry meeting Sirius Black for the first time, the Yule Ball, Harry discovering that he’s a wizard, Dumbledore’s downfall, Harry’s unsuccessful date with Cho, etc. etc…

But what about the little things? The things that may not mean the most to us, but still did nothing but enrich Harry’s experiences at a wizard?


~*Potter Parade: Happy Veterans/Marauders & Potter Palooza

Question of the Day: Who do you think you would most likely be best friends with from the Wizarding world?

“Oh are you a Prefect, Percy?”
“You should have told us, we had no idea!”“—Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it, once…”“Or twice.”“A minute.”“All summer…”

-Fred & George Weasley, Book 1

7 Days Until Harry Potter #7 Part 1

HAPPY VETERANS DAY!! At least in the Muggle World. I suppose in the Wizarding World today would be HAPPY MARAUDERS DAY!! Thank you so much to those who have fought to protect our great country of America, and thank you to those who have constantly braved battles against You-Know-Who.

Sadly I still have class today, even though pretty much every high school, middle school, and elementary school has closed in honor of this holiday. Heck, I’m sure that even Hogwarts has cancelled classes. Alas, us college people must have no time to lose and must continue to toil away in our lectures and recitations. In fact, I had a film analysis due today, which is why I did not get to publish a PPP (Potter Parade post) yesterday. GAR!

Well, in other news, I went to a spectacular event called ~*PoTtEr PaLoOzA*~ last night at the Union building! It was sponsored by one of our biggest activity-hosting organizations. They had a real Quidditch game (yes, we have a Quidditch team at our school!), Trivia Contest, Costume Competition, and yummy eats in “The Great Hall”! Here are just a few pictures from the event…


~*Potter Parade: Potter Puppet Pals*~

Question of the Day: What is your favorite magical sweet from the Wizarding World?

“Nobody’s asked me to a party before, as a friend! Is that what you dyed your eyebrow, for the party? Should I do mine too?” –Luna Lovegood, Book Six


Yes, I am waiting for my letter to Hogwarts. No, I do not like licorice wands. I like Chocolate Frogs, thank you very much.


The food looks so good you just want to eat the photos…

Question of the Day: Do you believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason, or do you think that humans all have more control over their own lives than anything else?

As promised, here are the photos I took this weekend when my boyfriend (*squee!*) and I made blueberry muffins and tacos.

Confession: I used muffin mix, the powdered kind, to create my muffins. Yes, you could say I took the easy way…but hey, they still tasted good. =3


2010 Smartphone Application Awards

Question of the Day: What is your favorite type of muffin?

So my boyfriend came to visit me this weekend. Yay! We made muffins and tacos, and of course I took photos of them. I’ll be posting them up soon so you can see. :)

Anywhoodles, I have been on a little hunt to find the best free Smartphone applications, or “apps.” I mean, the whole nation is gradually turning towards the amazing iPhones, Blackberrys, and even Android Xs. Personally, I think the coolest thing about these phones are their apps…there are hundreds out there, each with its own function and purpose.

I browsed through over 100 apps to find ten of the very best.

Dun, dun, dun! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the TRA winners of this year’s 2010 Smartphone Application Awards, in no particular order…


One Week Until…Season 10 of Smallville Begins!

Question of the Day: Who is YOUR superhero?

For those of you who have followed my blog for a long while (and I appreciate that!), you probably know that my favorite show is Smallville and that my favorite superhero of all time is indeed Clark Kent, aka Superman. Just a brief 1-phrase summary, Smallville is about Clark Kent growing up (from childhood to adolescence to early adulthood) and how he came to be who he is today: The Man of Steel.

This television series first started out as a WB show and is now hosted by The CW. It was actually my sister who discovered Smallville in 2000, and now…ten years later, the very last season is about to begin on September 24th. 8pm.

EEK!!! No words can express the excitement as well remorse mixing and mingling within me during these final days leading up to Season 10.

China 2010 Scrapbook: Food

Question of the Day: What’s your favorite summer treat? (P.S. Mine is Breyer’s Pure Fruit All-Natural Popsicles)

As promised, here is Scrapbook Post #2 from my trip to China, featuring FOOD!! Some of this will sound absolutely amazing to you (and believe it, it really was amazing), while a bit of the other foods will, well, sound amazing. Either way, tasting the food in China every year is a new and different experience each and every time.

China 2010 Scrapbook: Scenery

Question of the Day: Do you prefer a cell phone that has a touchscreen (like an iPhone) or one that has a keypad (like a Blackberry)? Why?

So basically I took over 400 photos while I was in China and had a pretty tough challenge before me in deciding which ones to host on my blog. I’ve decided to do 3 different posts, each one called China 2010 Scrapbook, but with a unique subtitle. The 3 scrapbook pages will be: Scenery, Food, and Fashion. There were loads of different foods that I ate and I’m sure you’ve probably never seen before, plus lots of clothing and accessories that I bought. Can’t wait to share them all with you!

13-hour plane flight FROM Chicago (after the 2-hour connecting flight TO Chicago) TO Shanghai, China. I absolutely adore plane flights, mostly in part by the beautiful view from the sky. Honestly, you can literally see a map forming before your eyes as everything gets smaller and smaller and eventually turns into a whirlwind of green and brown. Love it.


The Return of the Cooks

Question of the Day: If you could bring just ONE food with you on a deserted island and you could only eat that food for ten days straight, what food would you pick and why?

When we were younger, my sister and I used to cook quite a lot. We’d make tons of goodies–lasagna, dessert pizza, even cakes from scratch. But since we’ve gotten so busy over the years, we also stopped handling the kitchen and thus our culinary adventures ceased. But now that summer is approaching, an urge to grab a mixer and a pan has taken hold of us once again.

Thus, we have started up our own cooking ritual. Starting last Saturday, my sister and I decided that from now on every weekend we would whip up something tasty for our family. Cook, bake, steam, broil…whatever floats are boat on that day. So on Saturday we had a big Cooking Kick-Off and made two dishes for dinner using recipes we found on our iPhone and Blackberry.

Prom 2010: A Night On the Town – New York, New York

Question of the Day: What was your prom like?

Happy Grey Sunday! Where I am right now, the sky is rather dull-looking but the winds feel nice and breezy! Sorry these prom pictures are so late! I was naturally exhausted when I got back home on Friday, and yesterday I spent half the time cooking and half the time nursing my poor aching feet.

Our theme for this year’s Prom 2010 was A Night On the Town: New York, New York. I didn’t take a photo of the actual prom area because unfortunately it wasn’t as well-decorated as I’d hoped it to be. There were only large street signs with famous New York street names like Broadway and 42nd St. On our tables there were several plastic sunglasses, and the ceiling was adorned with bright yellow lights. Other than that, it was quite dark and plain.