~*Potter Parade: 10 Most Epic “Small” Events in Harry Potter*~

“Oh are you a Prefect, Percy?”
-Fred & George Weasley, Book 1
7 Days Until Harry Potter #7 Part 1
Question of the Day: What’s your favorite summer treat? (P.S. Mine is Breyer’s Pure Fruit All-Natural Popsicles)
As promised, here is Scrapbook Post #2 from my trip to China, featuring FOOD!! Some of this will sound absolutely amazing to you (and believe it, it really was amazing), while a bit of the other foods will, well, sound amazing. Either way, tasting the food in China every year is a new and different experience each and every time.
Thus, we have started up our own cooking ritual. Starting last Saturday, my sister and I decided that from now on every weekend we would whip up something tasty for our family. Cook, bake, steam, broil…whatever floats are boat on that day. So on Saturday we had a big Cooking Kick-Off and made two dishes for dinner using recipes we found on our iPhone and Blackberry.