Ten Things You Don’t Know About Me

Question of the Day: Twilight or Harry Potter or neither? (Yes, I just had to bring this subject up, hehe)

Happy Wednesday–no, no, I mean Thursday, everybody! :D This always happens during the summertime. Now that I don’t have school and other activities (sluggish Mondays, Piano Lesson Tuesdays, you get the idea) to distinguish my days between weekdays and weekends, they just all sort of blend together. Now, I have to look twice on the calendar to know what day it is. Do you guys have this problem too when you’re on vacation?

Today feels like a pretty chillax day, so I’m going to keep this post equally laid-back and devote it to letting you guys get to know me better. Thanks to Amanda Sablan for tagging me:

Character Profile #3:

Question of the Day: How heavily do political views weigh between you and your friends? Are political views a huge factor in who you befriend?

Okay, so much for writing a character profile once a week. T_T I know, I know, I’m very behind. But now I realize that character profiles actually take quite a lot of time to make, especially with the passages. Another reason why they’ve been hard to keep up with is because I don’t go out very much, thus I’m not around very many different people…at least not enough people for me to find at least one person that sticks out to me with a strong personality and is character-profile-worthy.

Thus, I’m going to have to cut back my character profiles to once a month. I’d rather write occasional, exceptional, and well thought-out character profiles rather than frequent, mediocre, and boring ones. I’m also going to add a new bullet to each character profile: Actor/Actress. For this one, I’ll be choosing a certain actor/actress who I believe would represent that character well.

I decided to do this character profile on Sophie, the main character of my first self-published book, Sophie. There’s a link at the bottom where you can purchase the book, read a passage from it, and/or skim a short summary if you wish. Now you may be wondering why I’d do a profile on a character whom I’ve already written about. I’ve got a sequel aka WIP coming up and I think the profile would be helpful for me in maintaining Sophie’s character in the book and make sure that I stay true to her self.

The 411 On College Orientation

Question of the Day: What brand of water do you drink? Do you think the different brands really matter all that much?

Sorry for the lateness! Orientation really wore me out and so I’ve just been resting the past couple of days. I can’t really sum up all the puzzle pieces that make up College Orientation in just one blog post, so I’ll briefly go over just a few of the highlights:

1) The first day was all about preparation for the second day (aka Registration for Classes Day).

2) It was literally session after session after session…two hours on alcohol abuse, thirty minutes on meal plans and dining services, one point five hours on campus safety. Don’t get me wrong, all that stuff is important and I learned a lot, but honestly, after that fifth session of simply sitting in my seat in the Auditorium and nothing else, my legs were about to start jerking and convulsing at any second.

Summer 2010 Has Begun! + College Orientation

Question of the Day: What’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on? What made it so awesome?

I haven’t updated recently because I’ve been studying my tush off for the SAT Subject Test: Math Level 2. It’s been difficult since AP Exams are over and everybody has been getting ready for the summer…and I’ve been at school reviewing my flashcards with the volume of a Pyramid and trigonometry identities. But alas–it’s over!! After studying and stressing for so long, the end of the test came as quite a shock. I came over and realized…wow, I can finally start reading Self magazine again. I can finish reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot and then begin a new novel. I can play chess again during my spare time. Yay!

Happy Memorial Day! + Frankie’s Blog Contest

Question of the Day: What are you doing to celebrate Memorial Day?

For those of you living in America, Happy Memorial Day! Big thanks to those who currently serve or have served our great country. You are our heroes. Unfortunately, I had school because we’d originally taken an extra Snow Day during the winter time, so today was our makeup day. On a brighter note, today was also a half-day, so I am home early! Yay!

A Fulfilled Legacy

Question of the Day: What television show character do you identify with the most and why?

Today, our high school’s literary magazine was officially published and printed. 25 brand new copies, trimmed and bounded by our lovely Graphics Department chair. Don’t you just love the smell and feel of freshly made books? As editor-in-chief of the publication, I’ve been swelling up full of pride and joy over this third issue and been reflecting now more than ever about Graduation and what sort of contributions I have made to my high school.

You see, the school’s “Lit Mag” had died by the time I was a freshman; it had been at least three or four years since the last issue had been printed and nobody had desired to pick it back up. So I did. Each year since then I’ve been brought back Lit Mag club and have now published three issues of the new Literary Magazine. And I have to say that this year’s is by far the best.

The Return of the Cooks

Question of the Day: If you could bring just ONE food with you on a deserted island and you could only eat that food for ten days straight, what food would you pick and why?

When we were younger, my sister and I used to cook quite a lot. We’d make tons of goodies–lasagna, dessert pizza, even cakes from scratch. But since we’ve gotten so busy over the years, we also stopped handling the kitchen and thus our culinary adventures ceased. But now that summer is approaching, an urge to grab a mixer and a pan has taken hold of us once again.

Thus, we have started up our own cooking ritual. Starting last Saturday, my sister and I decided that from now on every weekend we would whip up something tasty for our family. Cook, bake, steam, broil…whatever floats are boat on that day. So on Saturday we had a big Cooking Kick-Off and made two dishes for dinner using recipes we found on our iPhone and Blackberry.

Prom 2010: A Night On the Town – New York, New York

Question of the Day: What was your prom like?

Happy Grey Sunday! Where I am right now, the sky is rather dull-looking but the winds feel nice and breezy! Sorry these prom pictures are so late! I was naturally exhausted when I got back home on Friday, and yesterday I spent half the time cooking and half the time nursing my poor aching feet.

Our theme for this year’s Prom 2010 was A Night On the Town: New York, New York. I didn’t take a photo of the actual prom area because unfortunately it wasn’t as well-decorated as I’d hoped it to be. There were only large street signs with famous New York street names like Broadway and 42nd St. On our tables there were several plastic sunglasses, and the ceiling was adorned with bright yellow lights. Other than that, it was quite dark and plain.


Spring Skirts n’ Things

Question of the Day: What are your goals for the Summer of 2010?

One month and seven days until I fly out for vacation. Four weeks until I graduate from high school. Six days until Prom. It is so hard to think that the first half of 2010 is almost over, and even harder to believe I will be 18 years old–an ADULT!– and going off to college to begin writing the next chapter of my life. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time. As always, I am sitting here wondering, Where did the time all go??

Anyway, enough of my contemplations. Recently, I went shopping with some friends for the first time in a while and bought some really neat things! I thought they’d be perfect for this season. What sort of outfits or styles do you enjoy wearing for warm weather?

Give Me Your Titles!

Question of the Day: Waffles or pancakes?

Now that my AP exams are over, I’m finally getting back into my reading mode. This summer, I hope to finish reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot and also complete Picking Cotton by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton. The latter is actually for my college’s Summer Reading Program, and I thought participating would be a great way to jumpstart my freshman year. Both books are quite well-known; I will definitely be rating and reviewing them once I finish and, of course, sharing my thoughts here with all of you! If you’ve already read these two books, shh!! Don’t tell me anything! ;)

I don’t think I’ve done any book reviews on my blog before, so this is what this post* is all about. My book reviews aren’t nearly as extensive as my movie reviews; plus, I’d like to keep my posts shorter than before since I realize now that my previous ones tend to be long-winding and very texty! D: Sorry about that. I’ve been blogging for quite a few months now, yet I am still learning everyday what it means to be a good blogger.

Hope you enjoy this post dedicated to books!