Character Profile #3:

Question of the Day: How heavily do political views weigh between you and your friends? Are political views a huge factor in who you befriend?

Okay, so much for writing a character profile once a week. T_T I know, I know, I’m very behind. But now I realize that character profiles actually take quite a lot of time to make, especially with the passages. Another reason why they’ve been hard to keep up with is because I don’t go out very much, thus I’m not around very many different people…at least not enough people for me to find at least one person that sticks out to me with a strong personality and is character-profile-worthy.

Thus, I’m going to have to cut back my character profiles to once a month. I’d rather write occasional, exceptional, and well thought-out character profiles rather than frequent, mediocre, and boring ones. I’m also going to add a new bullet to each character profile: Actor/Actress. For this one, I’ll be choosing a certain actor/actress who I believe would represent that character well.

I decided to do this character profile on Sophie, the main character of my first self-published book, Sophie. There’s a link at the bottom where you can purchase the book, read a passage from it, and/or skim a short summary if you wish. Now you may be wondering why I’d do a profile on a character whom I’ve already written about. I’ve got a sequel aka WIP coming up and I think the profile would be helpful for me in maintaining Sophie’s character in the book and make sure that I stay true to her self.

I’ve actually added new sides to her that I never knew she’d had before. Now I see why character profiles are so important. They really help develop characters (duh) and make them come alive through the little details and habits and passions that they have. :D

Meet Sophie Elizabeth Mason

NAME: Sophie Elizabeth Mason, or just “Sophie”

BIOGRAPHY: Sophie resides in the lively city of Boston and works as an elementary teacher. She is currently in her first year of teaching. Being the victim of a heartbreak isn’t easy for Sophie, for she had just broken up with her long-term boyfriend, a successful surgeon. Because of this, her life is upside down. Her other relationship have fallen apart. She has stopped focusing on what she really loves: sketching.

AGE: 25 years old.

HEIGHT: 5′ 6”

WEIGHT: 135 lbs.

BODY TYPE: Tall and toned.

FACE TYPE: Oval-shaped. Full lips, small but pointy nose. Dimples and a wide mouth.

COMPLEXION: Cream-colored. Burns easily in the sun.

EYES: Bright green eyes. Medium-sized.

HAIR: Wavy, strawberry blonde hair.

CLOTHING STYLE: Conservative but stylish and girly. Summer dresses, tops with ruffles and lace, plaid jackets, pea coats, high-waist skirts, and skinny jeans are just a few items that she sports on a day-to-day basis. She’s a big fan of On Sale racks due to her teacher’s salary.

SPEAKING STYLE: Loud and clear voice but stutters A LOT when she’s nervous.

GENERAL DEMEANOR: Extremely sensitive (especially when it comes to talking about guys). Talkative and outgoing with her sister, her students, and her closest friends but rather bashful around intimidating strangers and men. Emotional and occasionally goes through depression.

CAREER: Elementary school teacher. She is in her first year of teaching.

PREJUDICES: None. Quite the contrary, she’s a huge advocate for racial and gender equality, affirmative action, and the environment/recycling. She only has a grudge/obsession/phobia (are those even the right words to use?) against her ex boyfriend, Paul (more of a love-him/hate-him relationship). Also currently prejudiced against romantic comedies.

QUALITIES: Sophie uses a briefcase, loves Twilight, is good at solving the Rubix Cube, and is freakishly scared of death. She is always busy and doing SOMETHING productive. Very organized and precise.

WEAKNESSES: Impatient, sensitive, emotional.

HOBBIES: Sketching, Rubix cube and puzzles, taking care of her goldfish, makes and plays songs on her guitar, reading.

TALENTS: Plays the guitar.

ACTRESS: Katherine Heigl.


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3 responses to “Character Profile #3:”

  1. WritingNut says:

    Hi Red Angel – I came your way through Amanda’s blog. This is a great post – I’ve been meaning to get around to profiling my characters for quite some time now.

    It’s amazing how they take shape, and truly become real people with real habits, traits, with likes and dislikes.

  2. your an amazing writer, i love your thought provoking posts!

  3. i was liking sophie until i found out she loves twilight! :) great profile on this character.

    oh, and political views definitely influence who i befriend. it comes up too often.

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