Go Green!

Question of the Day: If you could switch lives with one living creature (animal, plant, single prokaryote, etc.) for one day, what would you choose to be?

Everyday, humans do not realize how influential they are on the environment. I am not just talking about plants, but everything–from animals to small critters and insects to bodies of water to cherry blossom trees to simply the atmosphere.

Nature gives us so many gifts and have been for centuries: oxygen, medicinal cures, food, shelter, land to live on, and overall simply peace. Without nature and our environment, life and survival would not exist.

I have compiled a short list of my favorite simple ways to help recycle, prevent pollution, and save the environment. They go below using and buying your average recycling bins and biodegradable products…and when I say “below” I mean they take even less time and are almost effortless. When you first read, these things seem so obvious that it’s silly to put them up here, but you would be surprised by how few take these actions.If each person did a little good to help reduce our ecological footprint on Earth, then we can all give back to the nature that has helped us for so long.

Go Walden

Question of the Day: What is your stance on global warming?
There is something about nature that always produces a calming effect on me and makes me feel at peace with the world.
Whenever I am feeling particularly angry, impatient, melancholy, or other sensitive human feeling, taking a nice walk outside always helps me calm down and find happiness again. Next time you feel the need for some alone time, go Walden. Take a drive and go out to the countryside. You will find a beauty in nature that you cannot find anywhere else, for nothing else can be more pure or genuine.
We owe nature so much. It has provided us for years with medicines, shelters, and other essentials needed for survival. There is so much we can learn, for nature holds infinite more secrets than your own ears can. All aspects of nature contributes to a process that repeats itself throughout the course of history. It is consistent. It is dangerous, and it is beautiful.

If we all took some time to truly heighten our senses and take a good look around us, we might find personal insight, motivation, and happiness in nature by simply knowing that nature is good and pure. And real. How could you not be awed by the magic of life?

Taking It Easy

Question of the Day: What is your one love, your ultimate passion?

I will be out of town today.
Waking up late [Daylight Savings!].
Catching up on homework.
Blogging it up.
Writing my special project (2.5k/50k)
Drawing a red angel.
Eating a classic Marie Callender dish.
Texting with my Razr.
Taking photos for my next blog post.
Hitting some piano keys.
Creating a care package.
Celebrating Pi Day!!
Jamming to my iPod.
Forming mini stories in my mind.
Being me.
Being productive.

~Have a lovely Sunday! ~



The Oscars Academy Awards of 2010

Question of the Day: If you could switch lives with one big star of the modern world, who would it be and why?

I usually do not write about fashion, but the ladies and gentlemen really Wow’ed me when I watched the 82nd Annual Oscars Academy Awards of 2010. There were definitely a few that I thought were completely hideous, but as I am a relatively optimistic and happy-go-lucky person, I would like to share only the attire that I did think were absolutely magnificent.

First, for all of you who were not able to watch this year’s show, here are the 82nd Annual Oscar Awards for 2010:

Best Picture: “The Hurt Locker”
Best Director: Kathryn Bigelow – “The Hurt Locker”
Best Actor: Jeff Bridges – “Crazy Heart”
Best Actress: Sandra Bullock – “The Blind Side”
Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz – “Inglorious Basterds”
Best Supporting Actress: Mo’Nique – “Precious
Best Original Screenplay: “The Hurt Locker”
Best Adapted Screenplay: “Precious”
Best Animated Feature: “Up”
(Source: Yahoo)


“Alice in Wonderland” Movie Review

Question of the Day: What is the worst movie date you have ever been on? It could’ve been with a blind date, a significant other, or even a best friend.

Today I went on a movie date with my lovely sister to go watch “Alice in Wonderland,” a film that was released on March 5, 2010. It is directed by Tim Burton, presented by Disney, and includes two classic, famous actors: Anne Hathaway and Johnny Depp. It is based on the book, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll.

When it comes to movie reviews, I split the movie into nine different sections that I rate from 1-5 (in stars). I start off with the basics and then move on to the more complex areas of movie production. Then, in the tenth section, I rate the overall quality of the movie based on the ratings of the other sections. Feel free to comment on my opinion and agree/disagree! Enjoy!


Question of the Day: Home is where the heart is. Where is your home?

Although I love North Carolina and have been living for the past ten years, the only place I have ever really felt at home is Massachusetts. When I am there, I feel completely happy and at peace. My heart is settled and I think that there is nowhere else in the world that I would rather be.

My favorite time of the year is when I get to visit my home. I have the time of my life there, and it is always a sad day when I must say goodbye to all the things that I am most familiar with. The days that I spend reminiscing, I have only sweet memories to take me back to “yester-year.”* Here is a poem I wrote in 2009.

Marie Callender’s Pasta Al Dente Selections

Question of the Day: Which restaurant (any) do you enjoy going to the most? What dishes do you usually order there?

My tummy has fallen in love. All the symptoms are there…loud grumbles signaling hunger as well as longing, soft murmurs that indicate satisfaction, and occasional sighs that tell its owner that it is daydreaming again. Of Marie Callender’s Pasta Al Dente selections.

I discovered this brand a few days ago while shopping at Kroger’s grocery store. As I strolled across the Frozen Foods section, the corner of my eye caught sight of a wide column displaying an army of golden food boxes. Marie Callender’s: Since 1948, it said at the top left corner of each box. Each row held a different dish, and one with the word GARLIC in it caught my eye first. Penne Garlic Chicken. The outside cover had a photo of seductive pasta adorned with garlic and parsley swimming in a sea of a creamy, oil-based sauce. Embedded in between noodles were thick slices of perfectly grilled chicken, artichokes, spinach, and tomatoes.

Our Year – Class of 2010

Question of the Day: What novel or other book have you read in the past that permanently changed you in some way?

I do not have enough time tonight to write a blog post from scratch, but expect one tomorrow! :) Meanwhile, here is a small segment of writing that I found under my old Facebook notes earlier on today. It is a little outdated, as the SAT portions are not relevant anymore (I took my last SAT in October 2009, hurray!) and Homecoming Week has passed by long ago. Nonetheless, it is still rather up-to-date, since it is only March and you have the rest of 2010 to make the beginning of a new decade shine your way. This Note is obviously directed towards a young audience of high schoolers, but the message can be applied to all. Enjoy!

New Month, New Projects

Happy Sunday!

This weekend has provided me with a big peaceful rest from schoolwork. Yesterday, I went to the local Junior Miss program, which is a scholarship program designed to encourage today’s young women to “be their best selves.” The winners of local JM programs go on to compete at the state level, and then every year in Mobile, Alabama, 50 Junior Misses go on to the national level at America’s Junior Miss to represent their state. I think the Junior Miss program is a great opportunity for young women to showcase their talents, meet new people with new perspectives, and overall change their lives for the better.

A Fantastic Friday

I have come to realize that there is an opposing force for everything in the world and in life; there seems to always be something on the opposite end of a spectrum, complementing the other and balancing the scale out. An antonym for all. You’ve got men and women, positives and negatives, love and hate, black and white, rich and poor, beautiful and hideous, beginning and end.

Like all of the above, there is a also an antonym for having a bad day. Obviously, that very antonym is, of course, having a good day! :) Now there have definitely been times when I had an absolutely awful day on earth that seems more like a night in Hell instead; on those days, nothing goes right and I am stressed out of my mind. On those days, it seems like there is no such thing as a good day. Nonetheless, it is on those days when I wish and hope for a good day…like today.

My favorite type of good day is the kind when good, little things occur and slowly build up into a really good day, or rather (excuse my cheesy analogy) a “mountain of happiness”; there I stand at the very peak, my stomach swelling with excitement as I look down at the rest of the world with a positive attitude. In my own strange, silly mind, each little happy event is considered a stone, which makes sense if you think about it. As the stones build up, a mountain is created. :)