Retold Blogfest: “David Speaks, Melinda Doesn’t”

*gasp* Yes. Yes, I am writing a post that does not involve Harry Potter. That’s because it’s November 16th, the day of Sarah’s Retold Blogfest at The Wit and Wisdom of Sarah. Congratulations to Sarah for keeping up such a wonderful blog and reaching her 100th post.

For the Retold Blogfest, we are supposed to write a scene from another book/tale/novel from another character’s point of view. I just finished reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. I loved this book and really admire Anderson’s way of writing and bringing readers into the mind of her main character. Therefore, I have decided to write my Blogfest entry on the “Stupid, Stupid” scene from Speak, in which David Petrakis asks Melinda to come over for “celebratory pizza”. I have written this scene from David’s point of view.

I hope you enjoy.


~*Potter Parade: Harry Potter News, Links + Extra Trinkets*~

Question of the Day: If you could be any Magical Creature (ex: thestral, unicorn, Doxy, hippogriff, etc.), what would you want to be and why?

They stuff people’s heads down the toilet the first day at Stonewall. Want to come upstairs and practice?” –Dudley Dursley

No thanks. The poor toilet’s never had anything as horrible as your head down it — it might be sick.” –Harry Potter, Book 1

3 Days Until Harry Potter #7 Part 1

Because I will be a hosting my Harry Potter contest tomorrow, I thought I’d make today’s post rather “chill” and laid-back.

First, major news! The cast of Harry Potter got together in London last Thursday on November 11 for their premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. They look absolutely stunning! Emma Watson’s pixie ‘do still shocks me…I don’t think I can ever get over it after all those years of seeing her “bush” Hermione-Grangery mane. Ohh, without a doubt, our beloved HP characters are truly growing up…


~*Potter Parade: 10 Most Epic “Small” Events in Harry Potter*~

Question of the Day: Fred or George?

-Rubeus Hagrid, Book 1

5 Days Until Harry Potter #7 Part 1

***Spoiler Alert: You may not want to read this if you haven’t read HP but are planning to or are currently in the process of reading the series

Hello! I have compiled a short list of the 10 most epic “small” events in Harry Potter. I mean, we all know what the most epic “big” events were…Harry meeting Sirius Black for the first time, the Yule Ball, Harry discovering that he’s a wizard, Dumbledore’s downfall, Harry’s unsuccessful date with Cho, etc. etc…

But what about the little things? The things that may not mean the most to us, but still did nothing but enrich Harry’s experiences at a wizard?


~*Potter Parade: Happy Veterans/Marauders & Potter Palooza

Question of the Day: Who do you think you would most likely be best friends with from the Wizarding world?

“Oh are you a Prefect, Percy?”
“You should have told us, we had no idea!”“—Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it, once…”“Or twice.”“A minute.”“All summer…”

-Fred & George Weasley, Book 1

7 Days Until Harry Potter #7 Part 1

HAPPY VETERANS DAY!! At least in the Muggle World. I suppose in the Wizarding World today would be HAPPY MARAUDERS DAY!! Thank you so much to those who have fought to protect our great country of America, and thank you to those who have constantly braved battles against You-Know-Who.

Sadly I still have class today, even though pretty much every high school, middle school, and elementary school has closed in honor of this holiday. Heck, I’m sure that even Hogwarts has cancelled classes. Alas, us college people must have no time to lose and must continue to toil away in our lectures and recitations. In fact, I had a film analysis due today, which is why I did not get to publish a PPP (Potter Parade post) yesterday. GAR!

Well, in other news, I went to a spectacular event called ~*PoTtEr PaLoOzA*~ last night at the Union building! It was sponsored by one of our biggest activity-hosting organizations. They had a real Quidditch game (yes, we have a Quidditch team at our school!), Trivia Contest, Costume Competition, and yummy eats in “The Great Hall”! Here are just a few pictures from the event…


~*Potter Parade: Potter Puppet Pals*~

Question of the Day: What is your favorite magical sweet from the Wizarding World?

“Nobody’s asked me to a party before, as a friend! Is that what you dyed your eyebrow, for the party? Should I do mine too?” –Luna Lovegood, Book Six


Yes, I am waiting for my letter to Hogwarts. No, I do not like licorice wands. I like Chocolate Frogs, thank you very much.


Compromising With Your Main Character

Question of the Day: What is one quirky habit, hobby, or hidden talent you have that not many people know about you?

As you all know, I am doing National Novel Writing Month. Earlier, I was having a mild argument with my Main Character, but we just made up. :) Basically, she thinks the last few chapters have been pretty passive and need a little oomph, while I’ve been trying to tell her to be quiet because editing and “going back” will ONLY slow me down! So far the past day or two, she’s just been yacketing yacketing in my head. In the end, though, we compromised…


Meet: The “Hope” Bompkin

Question of the Day: What did you do last summer? xD

So my Halloweekend was GREAT! Sort of… Michael and I hung out at my apartment, watching episodes of Smallville (of course), comparing favorite quotes, and eating chocolate upcakes. Yes, CUPCAKES. Mmmmm. The sad part of Halloween was that no kids came to knock on my door. Thus, we had TONS and tons of Candy (yes, Candy with a capital C) left over. We COULD’VE eaten it all…but we didn’t. ;) Instead, I passed the Candy around in Chinese class as a sort of post-Halloweeniness treat for everyone.

As for National Novel Writing Month, I am currently about 4,000 words behind. AKA Two Days Behind. This past week has been super hectic, mainly due to the fact that I have a new story assignment (1300 words minimum) to complete as the writer for my college’s features magazine. Ohh NaNoWriMo, you just HAD to be in November, didn’t you?

Well, it is just the first week. If you’re having troubles, such as writer’s block, arguments with your main character, or just a complete loss of steam all together, please don’t give up. Every word counts. Plus, the more you write down by the end of November, that’s one greater step up you’d be than you would’ve been if you hadn’t gone so far.

Just remember that there is still…H-O-P-E!!! =)


Happy Halloween!


Hope you all have an awesome Halloween full of sugar, scary tales of woe, and all-around awesomesauce!!!

This scene is a short selection from Casper and Wendy, a classic Halloween ghost movie without all the blood and screams and jitters. It’s the moment where Casper…erm, meets Wendy. (: Enjoy!



Question of the Day: What is the most outrageous, silliest, or most unique costume you’ve ever worn out for Halloween in the past?


First of all, I must say that NaNoWriFri (National Novel Writing Friday) went well! It was a very small turn-out, but Michael and I met some really neat folks living in our region and exchanged NaNoWriMo usernames and favorite villains/quotes/titles with each other. It was awesome and I can’t wait to participate in our upcoming write-ins!

Ahh….now, on to getting ready for Halloweeny!


YAYYYYY! for NaNoWriFri!!!

Question of the Day: Are you into math and science or are you more of a humanities and literary arts type of person? Or are you a mixture of both? If so, why do you think that is?

EEK! I am SO excited for National Novel Writing Month I can hardly think of words to express my, er… excitement! There are only FOUR more days!! I have heard people use SO many adjectives to express their thoughts about what NaNoWriMo is like. Crazy, impossible, amazing, unthinkable, ridiculous. What do I call it? Exhilarating.

Most of the time, my life nowadays is a routine. Day in, and day out, I go to class, I study in the library, I eat at the university dining hall, I study some more, I eat, and I sleep. Oh, and I blog. ;) I enjoy my days, but quite honestly they can get kind of monotonous after a while. I mean, eating the same shrimp scampi and vegetable soup from the same cafeteria every single day CAN get a little boring. Just a little bit. Sometimes, I feel like I just need to…GARRR!!!! Have some sort of wild frenzy and chaos.

That is exactly what NaNoWriMo offers. No wonder I’ve been addicted to it since 2006.