Retold Blogfest: “David Speaks, Melinda Doesn’t”

“Oh are you a Prefect, Percy?”
-Fred & George Weasley, Book 1
7 Days Until Harry Potter #7 Part 1
EEK! I am SO excited for National Novel Writing Month I can hardly think of words to express my, er… excitement! There are only FOUR more days!! I have heard people use SO many adjectives to express their thoughts about what NaNoWriMo is like. Crazy, impossible, amazing, unthinkable, ridiculous. What do I call it? Exhilarating.
Most of the time, my life nowadays is a routine. Day in, and day out, I go to class, I study in the library, I eat at the university dining hall, I study some more, I eat, and I sleep. Oh, and I blog. ;) I enjoy my days, but quite honestly they can get kind of monotonous after a while. I mean, eating the same shrimp scampi and vegetable soup from the same cafeteria every single day CAN get a little boring. Just a little bit. Sometimes, I feel like I just need to…GARRR!!!! Have some sort of wild frenzy and chaos.
That is exactly what NaNoWriMo offers. No wonder I’ve been addicted to it since 2006.