
Question of the Day: What is the most outrageous, silliest, or most unique costume you’ve ever worn out for Halloween in the past?


First of all, I must say that NaNoWriFri (National Novel Writing Friday) went well! It was a very small turn-out, but Michael and I met some really neat folks living in our region and exchanged NaNoWriMo usernames and favorite villains/quotes/titles with each other. It was awesome and I can’t wait to participate in our upcoming write-ins!

Ahh….now, on to getting ready for Halloweeny!

I’m not one to dress crazy for Halloween but I sure have seen some people with some amazing costumes that you never would’ve thought of before! A McDonalds French fries box, an iPod touch, an M&M…just to name a few. I’m a rather conservative Halloween dresser-upper; my past costumes consist of: Gypsy, twin, pirate, Little Red Riding Hood (my favorite), cat, and ancient Chinese royal princess.

This year, Michael is coming over for Halloween and we will be handing out candy to the kids around my neighborhood. Yep, like good little college kids (goodness knows what the ones will do downtown tomorrow!). Aaaand….what will our costumes be?

Well, he and I aren’t in any fraternities or sororities…it’s not really our thing. So for this one night, on All Hallow’s Eve, we will be dressing up as: Frat Boy & Sorority Girl.

Of course, pictures of our outfits (and CCCCAAAANDDDYYYY) shall be up post-Halloween. :)

I’m not a big fan of horror stories, creepy critters, or scary superstitions and conspiracies. So instead of freaking you all out with creepy images and mini tales of woe, I’d like to share with you this neat little song I learned in pre-school (yes, I still remember it).

The Stirring Song

Stirring and stirring my BREW.
WhooOOOooo. WhooOOOooo.
Stirring and stirring my BREW.
WhooOOOooo. WhooOOOooo.
*tip toe* *tip toe* *tip toe* BOO!
Do you remember any childhood memories of Halloween while growing up at school, while trick or treating, or just in general?
For all you writers and NaNoWriMoers, what do you think your MC (Main Character) would like to dress up as for Halloween?
Hope you all have a great Halloween! Don’t get spooked. :o)


2 responses to “Ha-Ha-Halloweekend!”

  1. Talli Roland says:

    Happy Hallowe’en! I love the sound of your costume!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. i’m glad NaNoWriFri went well, and i think your sorority girl costume is a great idea! can’t wait to see it.

    i didn’t end up going as Neytiri…i just people-watched at the beach. that was a lot of fun.


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