Vote For My Entry [Tessa’s Blogontest Finalist!]

Question of the Day: What language/dialect/accent do you most enjoy listening to?

Hello all! I hope you are having a lovely week so far and staying warm. =) I just received a wonderful piece of news…..I’m one of the finalists for Tessa’s blogontest! It was a HUGE surprise, seeing as all the entrants did an amazing job and there were some truly outstanding submissions.

If you read and enjoyed my entry (the Harry Potter fanfic), I would truly appreciate your vote!


5 Ways to Find a Summer In the Midst of Winter

Question of the Day: What’s the weather like where you are?

Within the last couple of posts, I mentioned a significant quote:

“In the midst of winter, I found within me an invincible summer.”
Albert Camus

As December continues on, we will all become deeply entrenched within the chill of winter and the weather will get colder by the day. Studies have shown that people’s moods tend to go downhill during the winter season, possibly because of the absence of sunlight and because the days become shorter and darker more quickly. If you ever find yourself feeling down in the dumps, here are a few ways to get back in high spirits:


Tessa’s Blogontest: Outside the Box

Question of the Day: When was the last time you overcame your fears or stepped out of your comfort zone?

Kudos to the lovely Tessa of Tessa’s Blurb, who is hosting a “Blogontest: Outside My Box.” Entrants are to post a short piece of writing that they usually are not used to writing. Since I write original fiction most of the time, I’ve decided to share with you all Chapter 1-3 of a fanfiction piece that I have been working on in my spare time when I decide to take a little break from my WIP novel. The fanfiction is based on J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding world and stars The Marauders and Lily Evans (way back before Harry Potter was even born).

Let me know what you all think! If you are interested in reading the rest of what I have so far, you can view it HERE.

Super December 2010

Finals are looming ahead so this is going to be a short and sweet post….


At the start of every month, I always feel like rejoicing….but this is particularly true for this December. It feels bittersweet to me; 2010 seems like such a magical year, both for the number itself and for everything that has happened thus far. I can’t believe that another year is just about to end…well, perhaps December is the really the end of a new beginning.

I counted down to Happy New Year in January and watched the ball drop, knowing that this year would bring many changes to adjust to and barriers to cross. I’ve learned a lot since transitioning from high school to college, and I feel like December is my last month, my last chance to accomplish everything that I said I would at the beginning of the year. When the countdown begins and 2011 greets me with its arms wide open, I’d like to be able to look back and say that 2010 was a productive and pivotal year for me before I move on.


Lydia Kang’s 500 Followers “Love Your Local Bookstore” Contest

Ahh, it feels pretty nice to be back in my apartment. I feel productive and ready to get to work. The libraries will be totally packed for the next couple of weeks since final exams season is approaching…hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze in somewhere!

I had such a nice vacation that I cannot WAIT until Christmas! :D Delicious turkeystuffs, a sale on Smallville’s 7th and 8th seasons (the exact seasons that I’m missing in my collection!), a reunion with my best friend, the lovely Ms. Redhead, and a luxurious, successful shopping Black Friday spree!

To top off my amazing Thanksgiving break, I’ve been promoted to Blog Editor of the features magazine that I work for at the college! WOOHOO!!!


Black Friday Hot Deals: JC Penny Is My Hero

Question of the Day: What would YOU wear to the Yule Ball (yes, another Harry Potter Reference)?

I literally just got back from .:Black Friday shopping:. about two seconds ago! I am SO pumped about my amazing purchases….in fact, I am SUPER EXCITED!!! We were only able to stay for about two hours or so and spent that whole time at JC Penny. They had the best sales going on and everything was discounted 30%-70% off. Totally worth getting up early!

One week ago, I signed for “The Intercollegiate Yule Ball,” a local semi-formal dance especially for college students around the area to attend. It’s based after the yule ball in Harry Potter and takes place Dec. 4. Thanks to Black Friday, I now have two more dresses to add to my wardrobe. As a rather petite, pixie-like little lady, it is extremely hard for me to find dresses and gowns that fit me well. By some miracle, I was able to find TWO today, and now I can’t decide which one to wear to the Yule Ball! What do you think?


Happy Thanksgiving!!! From Me, To You.

Dear readers, bliggity bloggers, and anybody else reading this,

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! I cannot believe we are already in the Turkey Day-Buy $50 Laptops Day-Shiny Lights & Hot Cocoa triangle….most of the time when Turkey Day comes ’round, my thoughts are on the food. My signature mac & cheese. Mom’s onion and carrot stuffing (and homemade crescent rolls. and dumplings). Dad’s lobster. My sister’s heavenly Tilapia. The Turkey. Oh my gosh, tomorrow night can’t come soon enough….!!!

A-hem. Anyway. I’d like to dedicate this post to everything that I’m thankful for. In no particular order…


“How Dumbledore REALLY Died” Mad Lib Contest + Winner Announced!!!

Question of the Day: Share a website that’s in your Favorites folder and why you like/follow that particular site.

For those of you who have already seen HP & Deathly Hallows, I am deeply jealous of you. All I’ve been hearing are good things about it….actually, that’s an understatement. It sounds REALLY awesome! I cannot WAIT to watch it on Friday with one of my dearest friends, *Miss Redhead, whom I have not seen since August.

Aaaaaand now, time for the winner of our Potter Parade Mad Lib Contest: Just Another Sarah! Her blog, The Wit & Wisdom of Another Sarah talks about a variety of topics, but ultimately focuses on writing and literature. She has been blogging since 2007, woohoo! =)

Just a reminder, a mad lib is a word game in which certain words are picked to fill in a paragraph template to produce coherent sentences. In my previous post, I asked you all to make a list of 10 words in these categories:

1) Present tense verb
2) A type of food (either Muggle or magical)
3) An adjective starting with D
4) The name of a body part
5) A Harry Potter character
6) A magical creature
7) Something you love
8) A Number
9) A spell or charm
10) Noun

After tossing the names in a hat, Sarah’s was randomly chosen, and this is what was come up with after I filled in the blanks.

~*Potter Parade: Mad Lib Contest – How Dumbledore REALLY Died*~

What time is it? POTTER TIME! There is…

15 Hours Left Until Harry Potter #7 Comes Out


Okay…I have a confession. I won’t be seeing HP&DH until next Friday. =( I know, it’s a bummer. But it’ll be during Thanksgiving break AAAND I’m seeing it with my best friend AAAND by then we will have a better chance of getting tickets. You can be sure that I’ll be doing a review on the movie after I see it!

So basically…ALL over Facebook a good 40% of my social networking pals have Harry Potter-related statuses. Here are just a few really entertaining ones…

“All this hype about Harry Potter is pretty contagious…”
“Harry Friggin’ Potter!”

“….getting my HP on”


“Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow”