5 Ways to Find a Summer In the Midst of Winter

Question of the Day: What’s the weather like where you are?

Within the last couple of posts, I mentioned a significant quote:

“In the midst of winter, I found within me an invincible summer.”
Albert Camus

As December continues on, we will all become deeply entrenched within the chill of winter and the weather will get colder by the day. Studies have shown that people’s moods tend to go downhill during the winter season, possibly because of the absence of sunlight and because the days become shorter and darker more quickly. If you ever find yourself feeling down in the dumps, here are a few ways to get back in high spirits:

1) Take a walk. Now it may be that the last thing you want to do is get yourself in the freezing cold just to stroll around the neighborhood or the park. But by sitting at home by the fireplace, you’re bound to feel cooped up and listless. Perhaps you’ll even welcome that bit of chill, and a simple glance at the snow outside will have you smiling once again.

2) Bake some cookies. Sometimes boredom gives rise to depression and feelings of dullness, and all you need is a bit of that chocolate chip or spicy gingerbread to perk up your senses and get you back into the holiday mood!

3) Do something for yourself. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, playing tennis at the local gym, or writing in your journal. Taking some time to do something special on your own will definitely make you feel more

4) After you finish reading this post, get off the Internet and do some hands-on activities. Constantly looking at the screen (whether it be television, Wii games, or Facebook stalking) tends to depress the brain and make us less reactive, so make some arts and crafts or go play with your pets.

5) Play an instrument or listen to some soothing tunes. Music always works wonders. No matter if I am in the need for inspiration while writing my WIP, a lift in my mood, or something to jam and dance to, music is a must-have in some shape or form (Pandora/iPod/Radio, anybody?).

~ ~ ~

On Saturday, it snowed. =) My backyard became a total winter wonderland, and only today did the snow begin melting. But here is the miraculous thing…all of my lovely edible plants propped up on the fence are still in spectacular condition!

If that’s not the perfect example of a small garden of summer in the midst of a cool winter, I don’t know what is!!


2 responses to “5 Ways to Find a Summer In the Midst of Winter”

  1. Tessa Conte says:

    I wish I had an even remotely green thumb. All plants die on me (except, for some strange reason, basil)…


    Your HP fanfic is finalist on my blogontest, btw! ; P


  2. Great tips. I am gonna try them out ! xoxo

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