You can take my life, but you can’t take my camera! (A Very Merry Halloweeny Blogfest)

Question of the Day: What are you dressing up as for Halloween?

Let’s hear it for Mia, who is hosting the amazing A Very Merry Halloweeny Blogfest in order to raise awareness for Book or Treat! A-hem. This is my first time participating and am quite terrified to be honest. D: There were SO many good entries (click the link above to see the rest of the participants’ posts). I figured since a lot of them are rather humorous in nature, I thought I’d make mine a bit creepier and more terrifying. Please keep in mind that I am still a major amateur when it comes to scary stories and horror fic. :) This is my first attempt.

National Novel Writing Month 2010: think baby (as in baby steps) #2

In my last post, I talked about how creating baby steps (aka little goals) and incentives for accomplishments will help me and you win National Novel Writing Month. At the end, I said “baby steps, that’s all it is,” and the moment I published that post I could already hear fellow readers saying EASIER SAID THAN DONE! in my mind. So I just HAD to continue that concept of “baby steps” in this post…

Unfortunately, November happens to be one of the busiest months of the year. Thanksgiving, Election Day, midterms for some schools, homecoming for other schools, et cetera. And writing 1,667 words a day isn’t easy with a busy schedule, even one that is only moderately heavy with work and chores and events. But it IS possible and doable.

So I’ve created a hypothetical schedule that is hypothetically supposed to be planned out as a typical day in November for a hypothetical mother who is doing NaNoWriMo for the first time, even with Thanksgiving looming over her head and three kiddies to tend.

NaNoWriMo 2010: think baby (as in baby steps)

Question of the Day: What is the one tactic you use to prevent yourself from boarding a train at The Procrastination Station?

One thing that gets most people excited about NaNoWriMo is the thought of actually winning it…of writing a book that consists of 50,000 words in a single month. Ah…like Audrey Hepbern says, “wouldn’t it be loverly”? It would indeed. I mean, it’s only an average of 1,700 words that need to be written per day, so it shouldn’t be too bad.

Here’s how many people start out with NaNoWriMo:


Breast Cancer Awareness Month: to all the female fighters of the world…

Every tear you drop squeezes a cup uh blood outa mah heart.
Their Eyes Were Watching God

Over 200,000 cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed this year.
About 40,000 female deaths will occur due to breast cancer.
For every woman who is diagnosed with this disease, every person in that woman’s life–spouse, children, siblings, parents–is also affected.


NaNoWriMo 2010: The Beginning

Question of the Day: Finish the sentence: Roses are red, violets are blue… __________!

I. am. SO. PUMPED. for. NANOWRIMO 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeez, I don’t think I could add another exclamation point. Well…maybe one more. !!! (Three more, actually) :) Starting on November 1st, every participant from around the world will be doing this crazy, seemingly impossible, incredible, amazing, wacky thing called National Novel Writing Month.

What: NaNoWriMo
No really…WHAT: Write a 50,000 word novel (or part of a novel) in one month, averaging about 1667 words a day.
Who: YOU! And anyone else who’s brave enough
Where: Planet Earth (who knows? Maybe on other planets aliens are doing it too XD)
When: November 1st to November 30th
Why: Because we can
How: Journals, Microsoft Word, napkins, StickyNotes, any other means you can use to document your work


The food looks so good you just want to eat the photos…

Question of the Day: Do you believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason, or do you think that humans all have more control over their own lives than anything else?

As promised, here are the photos I took this weekend when my boyfriend (*squee!*) and I made blueberry muffins and tacos.

Confession: I used muffin mix, the powdered kind, to create my muffins. Yes, you could say I took the easy way…but hey, they still tasted good. =3


2010 Smartphone Application Awards

Question of the Day: What is your favorite type of muffin?

So my boyfriend came to visit me this weekend. Yay! We made muffins and tacos, and of course I took photos of them. I’ll be posting them up soon so you can see. :)

Anywhoodles, I have been on a little hunt to find the best free Smartphone applications, or “apps.” I mean, the whole nation is gradually turning towards the amazing iPhones, Blackberrys, and even Android Xs. Personally, I think the coolest thing about these phones are their apps…there are hundreds out there, each with its own function and purpose.

I browsed through over 100 apps to find ten of the very best.

Dun, dun, dun! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the TRA winners of this year’s 2010 Smartphone Application Awards, in no particular order…


New Major…New Plan

Question of the Day: Do you believe in fate and everything happens for a reason, or do you believe we have more control over our lives than anything else?

My apologies for being MIA (Missing In Action) once again for the past few weeks. College has been tough, and since the last time I posted, my life has changed in these ways:


One Week Until…Season 10 of Smallville Begins!

Question of the Day: Who is YOUR superhero?

For those of you who have followed my blog for a long while (and I appreciate that!), you probably know that my favorite show is Smallville and that my favorite superhero of all time is indeed Clark Kent, aka Superman. Just a brief 1-phrase summary, Smallville is about Clark Kent growing up (from childhood to adolescence to early adulthood) and how he came to be who he is today: The Man of Steel.

This television series first started out as a WB show and is now hosted by The CW. It was actually my sister who discovered Smallville in 2000, and now…ten years later, the very last season is about to begin on September 24th. 8pm.

EEK!!! No words can express the excitement as well remorse mixing and mingling within me during these final days leading up to Season 10.

Blog Post Coming Up Tomorrow

Yup. =) And it shall be epiccc.
Got a Chemistry mid-term tomorrow, YIKES.
So I am totally studying my arse off tonight for that.
Not that I haven’t done some already. xD
This weekend, I am dedicating time to
improving my blog and adding/revising pages. :)
Be ready!!!
Have a Thrilling Thursday.