100-Followers Blogfest: “Inanimation”

Question of the Day: After the release of her newest album, Femme Fatale, and recent publicity, do you think Britney Spears is really “coming back” or do you feel that all this is just a desperate want and need to go back to her glory days in the ’90s?

So a few days ago, it came to my attention that…..I HAVE FINALLY REACHED 100 FOLLOWERS!!! Well, I’m sure you could easily guess that my first reaction was: EEK!!!! My second reaction was…PARTY TIME!!! I mean, I knew this HAD to call for some sort of celebration. And so therefore I present to you….


30-Day Challenge 9: Meet RES Turtles, David & Little Cloud

Question of the Day: What are some song lyrics that really mean a lot to you?

Day 09: Something you’re proud of in the past few days.

Today, I played Frisbee with a friend for the first time in…well, a VERY long time! My Frisbee-throwing was pretty shaky at first, but after a few rounds I got better and was able to make a few good tosses. Even though I’m still a “Frisbee-ginner,” it was great being able to brush up on my hand-eye coordination skills and, especially after hours of studying in the library, get some exercise in!

How do you find the time in your schedule to exercise and stay in shape?


Delay in My Nature of Blogfest Entry and Blogging In General

Question of the Day: How do YOU apologize to your readers for seemingly abandoning your blogging and then randomly returning?

To answer my own Question of the Day…..I give my readers a bit of eye candy! Doesn’t this cupcake look sweet? I think the Tooth Fairy would have a Field Day over one of these…

Okay, okay, I won’t avoid the main subject anymore. I deeply apologize for my lack of blog entries and for the delay in my Nature of Blogfest entry! The past week and a half have been extremely hectic; for some reason, college professors want to hoard as much work on their students as possible the week after spring break. I won’t list all the to-do’s and do-that’s I have had (okay, well maybe my killer Economics midterm is worth noting), but I just wanted to let it be known that, well, I’ve had a lot on my plate. Plus, my poor blog isn’t the only thing I have neglected due to school…I have yet to clean my room (as of right now it is filled with scrunched up pieces of scratch paper and leftover snacks), wash my turtle tank and a number of other things I’ve been putting off.


30-Day Challenge 7: The Broken Hearts Blogfest

Question of the Day: If today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it?

Day 07: A picture of something that has the biggest impact on you.

Because of books, I have discovered my love for writing. Because of books, I am able to escape the real world and discover the millions of best friends that I have found within the characters of Jo March, Huckleberry Finn, Anna Fitzgerald, and so many more. Because of books, I know what is to become of me and what I want to do with my life.

Today is The Broken Hearts Blogfest day!

This blogfest is hosted by Dawn Embers at It’s In the Book. The idea is pretty straightforward… an entry with the theme of broken hearts. It’s not too late to sign up–the whole thing lasts from today ’til Tuesday!

I decided to share with you an excerpt from my novel, Sophie. It may be a bit over 1,000 words but much of it is dialogue. I have slightly altered it for you to better understand the context. Please enjoy!


30-Day Challenge 6: A Tribute To Glee

Question of the Day: What was your favorite toy or game to play as a child?
Day 06: Favorite Superhero and why.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you already know the answer to this challenge! My favorite hero is Clark Kent, otherwise known as Superman. If you’d like to read the long version of why, check out my Superman post here. The short version? I have always admired how he symbolizes justice and hope and “The American Way.” I grew up watching Smallville, which is about Clark Kent during his early years before he becomes Superman. Clark is always able to look at the good sides of people and believe that everybody deserves a second chance no matter what.


30-Day Challenge 5: Giveaways Update

Question of the Day: If you could live with only television or only music…which one would you pick? Why?

Day 05: A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

I have had the privilege of visiting many beautiful locations during my youth, including Germany, Japan, Spain, the U.K., and of course….China. One of my most memorable vacations, however, took place in our very own country, America. During the year of 2007, we went to Waikiki and Big Island in Hawaii. That state is one of the most gorgeous areas I have ever been to in my entire life. There were exotic plants and foods that I had never seen before. Mongooses (I confirmed with Google that mongooses is correct, as opposed to mongeese) roamed the streets as often as squirrels do in North Carolina. I hope to return there some day.


30-Day Challenge 3: Public Speaking 101

Question of the Day: What characteristic or trait do you admire most in a person?

Day 03: A picture of you and your friends.

Once again, I have a no-real-photos policy at the moment so I decided to portray my friends and I through Yahoo! avatars. The first Avatar chick is actually me, you see…I am surrounded by books, have my signature “reporter” glasses and have a layered ‘do. :) I’d like to introduce you to my amazing friends, all of whom have some spectacular and distinct personalities:

From left to right, top to bottom…

1) The Red Angel (me!) I don’t look very red and I don’t look like an angel though…
2) Madame Curlique loves the beach and everything that has to do with nature.
3) Jammin’ Poe-Poe is one of those “I JUST WANNA PLAY MY MUSIC” kinda guys.
4) B-Ball4Eva likes sports and is a die-hard fan of our university teams.
5) Mr. Senator has always loved everything politics.
6) Gloss&Shiny has beautiful hair, loves colorful things, and owns a fantastic imagination.


30-Day Challenge 2: The History Behind “TRA”

Question of the Day: In my last post, I confessed that I know how to burp by will. Care to ‘fess up a hidden talent of yours?

Day 02: The meaning behind your Tumblr Blog name.
My second-ever post on this blog actually dealt with the meaning behind my alias, Red Angel. Looking back at all the old stuff I wrote when I first started blogging, it is almost embarassing to read what I wrote as an unexperienced blogger! 8) It is still fascinating to me what a long way I have come.

Basically, the idea of a “Red Angel” came to me when I fantasized what the name of my band would be if I ever chose to make one. One of my favorite colors is red because if its rich hues and meaningful symbolism behind that color. In China (Ethnicity=Chinese! for those of you who don’t know), red is associated with good luck and fortune; it can also stand for love, passion, blood, and pretty much any super intense emotion.

30-Day Challenge 1: Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Question of the Day: What is one thing you crave the most? It could be cookies, American Idol, the rush of performing on stage, anything!

Day 01: Post a picture of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself.
Sadly, I have a strict no-people-photos policy so I will have to skip that part of the challenge. The 10 interesting facts, though? I think I can handle that. :)

1. I can burp by will.
2. My macaroni and cheese dish is a beast (a good one!).
3. Someday, I plan to open up my own restaurant and name it: The Macaroni Shop.
4. I secretly believe in magic. Okay…maybe it’s not so secret anymore.
5. For past Halloweens, I have been a cat, a pirate, a gypsy, a twin, Little Red Riding Hood, myself, a sorority girl, just to name a few.
6. I am by far the slowest eater you will ever meet.
7. When I was little, I made doll clothes for fun.
8. I am terrified of the dark and wet paper.
9. I was named after Wendy’s the fast-food restaurant.
10. I don’t know how to put makeup on (excluding lip balm and nail polish).