100-Followers Blogfest: “Inanimation”

Question of the Day: In my last post, I confessed that I know how to burp by will. Care to ‘fess up a hidden talent of yours?
Day 02: The meaning behind your Tumblr Blog name.
My second-ever post on this blog actually dealt with the meaning behind my alias, Red Angel. Looking back at all the old stuff I wrote when I first started blogging, it is almost embarassing to read what I wrote as an unexperienced blogger! 8) It is still fascinating to me what a long way I have come.
Basically, the idea of a “Red Angel” came to me when I fantasized what the name of my band would be if I ever chose to make one. One of my favorite colors is red because if its rich hues and meaningful symbolism behind that color. In China (Ethnicity=Chinese! for those of you who don’t know), red is associated with good luck and fortune; it can also stand for love, passion, blood, and pretty much any super intense emotion.