Delay in My Nature of Blogfest Entry and Blogging In General

Question of the Day: How do YOU apologize to your readers for seemingly abandoning your blogging and then randomly returning?

To answer my own Question of the Day…..I give my readers a bit of eye candy! Doesn’t this cupcake look sweet? I think the Tooth Fairy would have a Field Day over one of these…

Okay, okay, I won’t avoid the main subject anymore. I deeply apologize for my lack of blog entries and for the delay in my Nature of Blogfest entry! The past week and a half have been extremely hectic; for some reason, college professors want to hoard as much work on their students as possible the week after spring break. I won’t list all the to-do’s and do-that’s I have had (okay, well maybe my killer Economics midterm is worth noting), but I just wanted to let it be known that, well, I’ve had a lot on my plate. Plus, my poor blog isn’t the only thing I have neglected due to school…I have yet to clean my room (as of right now it is filled with scrunched up pieces of scratch paper and leftover snacks), wash my turtle tank and a number of other things I’ve been putting off.

But thankfully things have simmered down now, and while my schedule is still filled with to-that’s and do-do’s (whoops! to-do’s and do-that’s!) I am on the path towards reorganizing my life! Hurray!!!

You can expect a full-blown magical blogfest entry about the nature of magic tomorrow. :) And there’s a long list of lovely bloggies that are to come in the near future! Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the magical cupcake. It is watching you. o.o

5 responses to “Delay in My Nature of Blogfest Entry and Blogging In General”

  1. Nahno McLein says:

    What a lovely way to apologize.
    I think it’s alright now.

    To be honest, I quite like when bloggers write a post saying that they will be absent for a period of time. That seems fair and honest, doesn’t it. This way nobody needs to feel bad in any way.
    Nahno ∗ McLein

  2. Hello Red Angel, nice to meet you! I’m clicking over from the Magic Blogfest, looking forward to reading your entry later.

    LOVE the song, ~ that rebel, Olivia

  3. lbdiamond says:

    Sometimes life happens! Be sure to take good care of yourself. ;)

  4. Ha, ha! I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I’ve been absent from my blog too and just returned. Maybe we’ll both do better. Oh, and that cupcake looks awesome!

  5. no need to apologize. i still <3 you!

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