“You’re doing NaNo? Sounds like a dirty iPod joke if you ask me.”

I cannot remember a single moment in my life when I did not love words and writing and literature. And I simply cannot imagine a life in which I did not write…I have tried and I can’t. I write because I have no choice.
Language in the form of writing has always amazed me with its power. There are no limitations as to what I can write and how I can use it. When I journal or string words into poetry or create characters in their own little worlds, I feel limitless.Reading over my works constantly teaches me things about myself and about life that I otherwise would not have known. My lifelong goal is to use the power of words to inspire others with the story of my past, share with them my belief that weaknesses can be turned into strengths and encourage them to accept each other’s differences.
I write to show people they are not alone, and I write to keep myself sane. Without writing, I would have little purpose in this world.
Well fall break is nearly upon me now, in which I will be working to improve my blog, namely: update pages and plan out each week’s blog post topics. I am also going to work on creating my own graphics, taking more of my own photos, condensing labels, replying back to comments faster and visiting other blogs (which I already do a lot of but I don’t take the time to comment as much I as I want to). During various periods of procrastination, I’ve actually found a handful of new, wonderful blogs to follow and I can’t wait to explore them all.
Welp. I have joined Twitter and tumblr both in one week. I guess it’s time for me to fully embrace the perplexing, overwhelming world of social media! #excitement (Hmm I still am not used to adding hash tags to words like that)
I just wanted to let all of you know that there are now other ways of contacting me and keeping up with TRA updates.
Twitter: mainly for following my friends and keeping up with the news as well as provide another source for readers to discover The Red Angel Blog. wendyluwrites
*Fun Note: My background (which happens to be a Twitter premade) matches my blog layout exactly! Thought that was cool.
tumblr: this is simply another branch off of The Red Angel blog (which is where you are at now), except it’s more informal, so feel free to follow if you’d like to get to know me on a slightly more personal level. wendyluwrites.tumblr.com
Email: wendyluwrites@gmail.com
Facebook: Click here
And, of course….HERE! :)
Hope you all are having a wonderful week so far! Today marks the Design a Book Cover Contest, hosted by Teralyn Rose Pilgram over at A Writer’s Journey. Check out the other entries below, and vote on your favorites!&
Below, you can see my entry:
Yayyy I am officially 19 years old, as of 9:15am this morning! *does happy dance* I’ll be pretty busy for the rest of the day but I had to post and share my happiness with you all. I don’t quite feel 19 yet but I’m sure it will hit me soon at some point–probably right before I dig into the birthday cake that is anxiously waiting for me in the fridge. *nom, nom*