Happy National Day on Writing!

I cannot remember a single moment in my life when I did not love words and writing and literature. And I simply cannot imagine a life in which I did not write…I have tried and I can’t. I write because I have no choice.

Language in the form of writing has always amazed me with its power. There are no limitations as to what I can write and how I can use it. When I journal or string words into poetry or create characters in their own little worlds, I feel limitless.Reading over my works constantly teaches me things about myself and about life that I otherwise would not have known. My lifelong goal is to use the power of words to inspire others with the story of my past, share with them my belief that weaknesses can be turned into strengths and encourage them to accept each other’s differences.

I write to show people they are not alone, and I write to keep myself sane. Without writing, I would have little purpose in this world.

This is why I write. Tell us your story. Happy National Day on Writing

2 responses to “Happy National Day on Writing!”

  1. Inspirational! Uplifting!
    Nice post!

  2. Myne Whitman says:

    We have the reasons for writing in common. :)

    Have a great day and weekend too.

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