My Trip to Washington, D.C.

Question of the Day: What would YOU like to say to President Obama if you met him on the street one day?

In addition, I also go to get some sightseeing done! I now realize that, as a citizen of the USA, a trip to Washington D.C. is completely wasted if you don’t spend time to get to know it, especially since it IS America’s capital and whatnot. ;]

But yeah, sorry my post on this trip is so late! Like I said, I am studying for AP exams, but luckily tomorrow I have my last one! :) Enjoy, hehe.

Up: Between the doors of our hotel and the actually lobby, the entrance had this beautiful electronic graphic thingy up on the wall. It’s basically an outlining of Washington’s streets and notable sights; it changed colors every few seconds which was REALLY cool! I wonder how it works. XD

Character Profile #2

Question of the Day: In honor of late Poetry Month (April), who is your favorite poet and what are some of his or her poems that you enjoy?

Yes, yes, here is the Character Profile #2 that I know all of you have been waiting for for over a week! I am very sorry for being MIA…no, I did not die and return back to life, I was merely studying for my AP exams. I had my first exam today and have two left! Wish me luck!

As a reminder, creating these character profiles gives me the opportunity to practice writing full characterizations that can potentially be used in stories and other literary works of mine.

For these profiles, I pull certain people from my day-to-day life that I find extremely interesting (not in the creepy way) and with distinct mannerisms that would shape them into perfect characters for a story and do a character profile on them. After the profile, I allways write a short passage from a potential story in the point of view of someone who is physically close to the character at a certain moment.

Enjoy, and feel free to let me know what you think about Jayla*. :)


101st Annual American Association of Cancer Research Meeting

Question of the Day: What was the last vacation you went on, and how did it go?

I have not abandoned my beloved blog, for those of you who were wondering!
I am currently in Washington, D.C. attending the 101st AACR Meeting with my parents.
It’s been amazing seeing the different exhibits, posters, and products used for lab work.
I am probably one of the few people younger than 25 here at this meeting.
Some people have mistaken me for a post-graduate/graduate student.
But that’s okay with me!
I also got to see The White House up close,
The American Red Cross Headquarters, Washington Memorial, and more!!
Will be back in town on Thursday.
Pictures will be added then.
As will a new character profile.


China’s One-Child Policy

Question of the Day: After reading this blog entry, what is your personal stance on China’s one-child policy?

I usually don’t write about politics, but recently my AP Government Comparative class studied China’s public policy. One of the biggest issues we discussed was China’s infamous one-child policy. I would like to address both the pros and the cons of the policy and then discuss my own position on this matter. Feel free to support, qualify, or refute my position or create your own stance by commenting below. Any feedback is welcome! All information below is either through my own personal knowledge that I have gained from my AP Government class or from Wikipedia. ;]

Basic Overview: China has had a communist regime since 1949 when Mao Zhedong took control after defeating the Kuomingtang. Everything, including the media and economy, has been controlled by the government. In recent years, China HAS taken some steps towards a more democratic state but definitely cannot be officially titled as a “liberal democracy.” There is no doubt that the government has severely oppressed the citizens of China in numerous ways, including the one-child policy. The one-child policy states that a couple may not have more than one child, excluding some situations such as minority families or parents with no siblings. The consequences of violating this law usually consist of drastic punishments, ranging from alarmingly high fees to forceful abortion.

G’Day Fellow Bliggity Bloggers!

Question of the Day: What do you enjoy the most about springtime?

I apologize for my lack of bliggity blogging* the past few days. I have finally decided what I want to do with my life! After much pondering and discussing with my family, I have chosen which university I would be attending for the next four years of my life. HURRAY! Thus, my little transition into college has officially started, but it’s come with A LOT of To-Do’s.

I will be majoring in Journalism & Mass Communication and minoring in Psychology.

I will also be a premedical student.

I hope to become a gastrointestinal doctor as well as journalist for either a cultural magazine, a healthy living magazine (maybe Self!), and/or a medical journal.

It’s the busy life for me! :]

Happy (belated) Easter 2010!

Question of the Day: What did you do for Easter 2010?

Good day! Whether you spent the day attending your Church, having a plastic egg hunt for your children, cooking up a storm for a large dinner, or all of the above, I hope everybody had a lovely little Easter. =)

I am a little old to have an Easter egg hunt, but I was eager to incorporate eggs into a new Easter tradition yesterday. I try to go all out for holidays, you see. So yesterday my sister and I made scrambled eggs for the family!

I just have to say that Velveeta Cheese is one of the most amazing cheeses on Earth. Especially if you cook it in your macaroni…or your eggs, of course! We don’t have an egg beater, so we use chopsticks to do the job, and it’s pretty quick and easy!


Character Profile #1

Question of the Day: What do you personally get out of taking your time to blog? To put simpler, why do you blog?
One of the most critical aspects of creating a novel or even just a short story is characterization, because the characters are what makes the story come alive. Their facial features, their actions, the way they view the world and the other characters they interact with, their thoughts and feelings, and their reactions to events all play major parts in determining who exactly the characters are.
Sadly, I do not fully developed my characters well enough at all. I get so excited with my SNI (Sexy New Idea, as Frankie Diane calls it) that I delve right into it and start writing my heart out. However, for all of the novels that I have begun in the past, there comes a time when I hit a total roadblock, a dead end if you will, and run out of things for my characters to say and do on a day-by-day basis. And I believe that I must attribute this to my lack of complete characterization. How can I write the audacious, romantic, inspiring story of my main character…if I myself do not fully know who exactly the main character is? How can I speak for my character when I have yet to know him or her through and through?


The Last Monday of March

Question of the Day: What or who inspires you to succeed and be the best that you can be?
This is the last Monday of March, 2010! It is remarkably scary how fast time is flying. I am already on my 30th blog post! Thankfully, I do not have any school due to Teacher Workday, so today is going to be pretty laid-back and more personal than usual. I won’t get into any hardcore topics but will instead post a “Monday Five” list. This is usually meant for Friday (“Friday Five!”) but oh well. If you are not familiar with this type of list, it is mainly discussing five specific areas or aspects of one’s life at the current state. Great way to wrap up the weekend and start a 4-Day School Week!

My “Do Not Be a Critter Killer” Article

snails, slow writing, writers
Question of the Day: What type of writing do you enjoy the most? Poetry, short stories, creative nonfiction, essays, or other?
Good day! The March issue of my high school newspaper came out today. =) Unfortunately, I only had one story and only a couple photos published in this issue, but that is because I was put in charge of our April Fool’s issue that is coming out, well, on April Fool’s! More about that later. Here we have my “Do Not Be a Critter Killer” article, and yes, that is the original title. Please enjoy, and let me know what you think about it!
“Do Not Be a Critter Killer”By Wendy

There once was a very small snail named Jack. He was a brave fellow admired by all of his friends and family. Jack sported a beautiful, coral pink shell that other snails believed would bring him good luck and fortune some day.

One day, our friend Jack rolled his way outside into the bright sun to fetch some food for his family. As Jack whistled his way towards some crunchy-looking plants, he suddenly heard vibrations all around him. The ground below seemed to shake slightly, and before he could turn around and realize his inevitable fate, Jack was smashed underneath a large, human-sized shoe. His beautiful coral shell was crushed into a thousand little pieces. There went his luck, and Jack was no more.

My First Blog Award

Question of the Day: What was the last accomplishment you made?

Today, I received my first nomination for a blog award from Cheryl Clarke! This really means a lot to me, so thank you very much, Cheryl! =]


1. Thank the person that nominated you.
2. Copy the award and place it on your own blog.
3. Post a link to nominator.
4. Express seven things about yourself.
5. Nominate seven other bloggers.
6. Link them.