Social Networking: Pros and Cons

Question of the Day: Do you think social networking sites are worth the time?

Facebook. Twitter. eHarmony. deviantArt. Tumblr. And a thousand others. These are the names of the many social networking sites that have people all over the country–and, indeed, the world–on their electronics for hours at a time. “Friend” has become a verb, and the members of the opposite sex are meeting up after being introduced to each other online. Even companies are advertising online with their own FB groups, attracting costumers by posting pictures of their products and special Sales.

Screens Got My Eyes Frazzled

Question of the Day: Have computer, television, eBook, and other forms of digital screens affected the way you read text?

Getting used to college has been an enormous task. There’s the issue of adapting to the new types of transportation (since I live off-campus and go to a very large school) such as using my legs much more often than I did in high school and relying on buses instead of motor vehicles and small cars. There’s the matter of always having to consume cafeteria and dining hall food instead of Mom’s hot and fresh homemade eats (my cooking is not exactly up to par). And then there’s the fact that everything I turn in must be sent through the Internet.

Blackboard. MasteringChemistry. School email. Forums. Scanned PDFs of textbooks. Now, instead of filling out paperwork and writing down answers on a paper test or circling A, B, or C on a Scan-Tron sheet, I simply write emails and type A, B, or C and press “Submit” buttons all day long. It seems much more simple and it saves A LOT of trees, but I believe my eyes are becoming…a little, well, frazzled.

Abstract Art and Its Impact on the Human Mind

“Green of Beauty” Painting by Chidi Okoye

Abstract art has been around for centuries, and hundreds of abstract artists have created masterpieces that people are able to study and appreciate daily, whether it be through collecting them or seeing them in museums and shows or even examining them in college/graduate classes. To me, abstract art is my favorite type of visual art because I feel like abstract art has no boundaries. Almost everyone sees something different in a piece of abstract work, because, well, it’s just that. Abstract.


Camera Disaster + Picking Cotton Book Review

Question of the Day: What do YOU do to relieve stress when something goes wrong or you just have way too much on your plate?

It seems like the days leading up to and during your first year move into college is always bogged down with loads of events, work, and…well, unexpected unfortunate events. Unfortunately, one of those unfortunate events (in a series of unfortunate events, of course) for me was having my camera lose all of my pictures (including the ones for my last Summer China 2010 Scrapbook Post #3: Fashion) before I could upload them. Yep. What’s even worse is that my camera has gone completely nuts and various buttons and knobs on the thing won’t even work now. So I guess that’s bye bye to China Scrapbook. :(

To make up for my lack of useful posts lately, I’ve decided to do a nice little book review on Picking Cotton, a non-fiction novel by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton. We read this book for our Summer Reading Program at my college (which I currently now attend, YAY!) and participated in small group discussions today. Here is a summary as well as my thoughts and some of the points that my group touched base on today.

But Where Did Wendy Go???

Question of the Day: Are you or have you ever gotten addicted into any virtual reality games such as World of Warcraft, Runescape, or Sims?

*Readers wait patiently for the blogger who has been MIA (missing in action). Suddenly…*

I see her! No, no, that’s not her…YES IT IS!!

*Wendy stumbles into blog post* OH! There she is!

China 2010 Scrapbook: Food

Question of the Day: What’s your favorite summer treat? (P.S. Mine is Breyer’s Pure Fruit All-Natural Popsicles)

As promised, here is Scrapbook Post #2 from my trip to China, featuring FOOD!! Some of this will sound absolutely amazing to you (and believe it, it really was amazing), while a bit of the other foods will, well, sound amazing. Either way, tasting the food in China every year is a new and different experience each and every time.

China 2010 Scrapbook: Scenery

Question of the Day: Do you prefer a cell phone that has a touchscreen (like an iPhone) or one that has a keypad (like a Blackberry)? Why?

So basically I took over 400 photos while I was in China and had a pretty tough challenge before me in deciding which ones to host on my blog. I’ve decided to do 3 different posts, each one called China 2010 Scrapbook, but with a unique subtitle. The 3 scrapbook pages will be: Scenery, Food, and Fashion. There were loads of different foods that I ate and I’m sure you’ve probably never seen before, plus lots of clothing and accessories that I bought. Can’t wait to share them all with you!

13-hour plane flight FROM Chicago (after the 2-hour connecting flight TO Chicago) TO Shanghai, China. I absolutely adore plane flights, mostly in part by the beautiful view from the sky. Honestly, you can literally see a map forming before your eyes as everything gets smaller and smaller and eventually turns into a whirlwind of green and brown. Love it.


#50: My Return From China

Question of the Day: What is the farthest you’ve ever travelled before?


You can imagine how alarmed I felt when I connected to the Internet in our cozy little place in Shanghai, China and found out that Blogspot, along with several other sites like Facebook and Youtube, was blocked off!! What’s more, my beloved Pandora refused to work, saying it could no longer provide service to me since I was outside of the USA. :(

Thus, my daily blogging ritual (and other Internet rituals except for email) was put to a halt for an entire month.

But, as you can see, I back now! HURRAY! *fireworks* Did you miss me? =D Well, I must say that I missed you all, and am so happy to see that none of you gave up on my blog, despite my sudden disappearance.

To put it very simply, my vacation in China was…BUSY! I kept a journal of events for -almost- every day we were away and now the pages are all filled up. We stayed for 1 week less than we usually do, and therefore had to cram all of our to-do’s, to-go’s, and to-eat’s all in just a matter of approximately 3.857 weeks, according to my handy-dandy Blackberry calculator.

I cannot possibly copy my entire leaflet of records into my blog, so here’s a rough breakdown of what I did, week by week:

Scrabble + Eggs = Scrabbled Eggs!

Question of the Day: What’s your favorite Youtube Video to watch?

Firstly, I’d like to say HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!! Thanks to all the wonderful daddies in this world for being so awesome. :) My sister and I cooked scrambled eggs and a variety of omelettes this morning for the family. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any photos of breakfast but I’d be more than happy to describe the entire meal.

Lovely Versatile Bloggers

Question of the Day: If you could use a seasoning (ex: Garlic Salt, Paprika, Chili Powder, etc.) to describe your personality or life, what would you pick and why?

Thank you, Amanda Sablan, for this award. You truly made my day!! :) Apparently I am supposed to think up of 7 more facts about myself…

1) I hate all and any sodas/soft drinks. I don’t like that tingly feeling my tongue gets from the bubbliness. WATER ALL THE WAY!!!

2) My birthday is on Tuesday (June 22nd) and I will be turning 18. I find that very scary. O_O

3) Alongside J.K. Rowling, I absolutely love Jodi Picoult. Her novel My Sister’s Keeper is one of my favorite books of all time. There’s a dash of everything in it…romance, friendship, suspense…you name it. Definitely worth the time to read. Other notable books of Picoult’s that I’ve read are: The Pact, The Tenth Circle, and a few others that I can’t think of at this moment in time. xD