#50: My Return From China

Question of the Day: What is the farthest you’ve ever travelled before?


You can imagine how alarmed I felt when I connected to the Internet in our cozy little place in Shanghai, China and found out that Blogspot, along with several other sites like Facebook and Youtube, was blocked off!! What’s more, my beloved Pandora refused to work, saying it could no longer provide service to me since I was outside of the USA. :(

Thus, my daily blogging ritual (and other Internet rituals except for email) was put to a halt for an entire month.

But, as you can see, I back now! HURRAY! *fireworks* Did you miss me? =D Well, I must say that I missed you all, and am so happy to see that none of you gave up on my blog, despite my sudden disappearance.

To put it very simply, my vacation in China was…BUSY! I kept a journal of events for -almost- every day we were away and now the pages are all filled up. We stayed for 1 week less than we usually do, and therefore had to cram all of our to-do’s, to-go’s, and to-eat’s all in just a matter of approximately 3.857 weeks, according to my handy-dandy Blackberry calculator.

I cannot possibly copy my entire leaflet of records into my blog, so here’s a rough breakdown of what I did, week by week:

Week 1: Met up with family, attended the World Expo of 2010, clothes shopping!, and explored Shanghai’s greatest attractions.

Week 2: Travelled to Beijing AND Shenyang, did tons of sightseeing, visited China universities, gobbled up exotic foods (duck heart dumplings, anyone?)

Week 3: Book shopping, travelled to Nanjing, learned mahjong

Week .857: Visited more universities, met with more family, came home

Whew! As you can see, my 1st and 2nd weeks away were definitely the busiest. It’s been pretty tiring, especially since we had a few casualities (such as an almost stolen camera, a horrifying stye, sore wisdom teeth, and uncomfortable bowel problems, yuck!), but overall the trip was very educational and never boring—a perfect vacation right before I go to college!

Now that I am back and the climax of my summer 2010 is over, there are many things to be done in such little time! I have less than a month to get everything packed up for college. My boyfriend and I will be hosting a yard sale, which I am extremely excited about!

Pictures from China’s vacation will be posted soon!

In addition, I created my first Gmail Account and have a new email address specifically for my fellow bloggers and followers like you to contact me! Questions, comments, suggestions for blog improvement, and other can be emailed to me at:


So, you tell me: Have you accomplished what you wanted so far during the summertime? Are you looking forward to going back to school/work, or have you thoroughly enjoyed the lazy days of doing nothing productive? (hehe)

This is my 50th blog post of the year! =D


5 responses to “#50: My Return From China”

  1. Amanda Sablan says:

    Of course I missed you! I was a little worried, to tell you the truth, but I see now that Blogger was simply blocked over in China. /:

    I’m happy that you enjoyed yourself! I finally got to go on a vacation too, to the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina, and it was a lot of fun. But even though I’ve enjoyed my lazy summer (well, not that lazy, seeing as how I got myself a job finally!), I’m looking forward to college.

    The fatherst I’ve ever traveled was Arizona.

  2. Amanda Sablan says:

    Oh, and Happy 50th blog post! :D

  3. WritingNut says:

    Wow, it sounds like you had an amazing time (despite the internet issues) :)

    I wish I could say I’ve accomplished all that I wanted to, but I’m stilling working on it!

  4. congrats on your 50th blog post!

    looks like you did a lot and had a good time. can’t wait for the photos! how was the expo and the shopping?

    i haven’t accomplished everything for this summer just yet, but i think i’m on my way. a lot of it has to do with my blog! :)

    glad you’re back.


  5. Lottie says:

    oh it sounds absolutely amazing!

    my mums from shanghai, we visit there at least every other year.

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