30-Day Challenge 20: FoR tHe LoVe Of GrApHiCs

QOTD: Do you read your horoscope? What do you think about astrology?

Day 20: One word that sums you up as a person. Oh WOW this is a really hard one. Hmm,luckily I just stumbled upon this page of “words that don’t exist in the English language”, and I have to say meraki sums me up best.

Meraki–(Greek): doing something with soul, creativity, or love

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One thing I really like about Blogger is that you can follow any blog you want regardless of its site domain…it can be WordPress, Tumblr, anything! Tumblr is one of my guilty pleasures and probably my #2 source of procrastination (Facebook is #1), but it just makes me so happy. You can always find the most random things–graphics, quotes, photos, you name it–and they are always just…so inspirational.

Over the next couple of days I will be writing a rather lengthy movie review, so today I just thought I’d share with you some of my favorite graphics that I have had the lucky opportunity to “tumble/stumble” upon in the past. Enjoy!!!


30-Day Challenge 19: Strawberry Picking

QOTD: When was the last time you went on an adventure?

Day 19: Nicknames you’ve had and why you have them: For those of you who don’t already know, my first name is Wendy. Some nicknames (but not all, haha) that have been derived from that include Wendella, Wenalyn, Wen, Wenders, Windy, and Wen-Wen.

The other day, I went strawberry picking with my family at a local farm and it was SO, so much fun! I’ve enjoyed the quiescence of staying at home but it was nothing short of awesome being able to actually get out. The last time we went fruit picking it was apples, and I can’t even count on a single hand how many years ago that was.


30-Day Challenge 18: Laughter Is the Best Medicine Blogfest

Question of the Day: What are two smileys that describe your life right now?

Day 18: The question above!

d(^_^)b is supposed to portray a happy person doing thumbs up! I have been enjoying all this free time away from school and nothing could be better. Since I am traveling for the last half of summer, I’ve been trying to spend this first half of summer learning more and getting to know more about myself. During the school year, I was always surrounded by people and was constantly either going to events or studying in the library. Now, I’m trying to take this opportunity to revisit what I personally like, what makes me happy, and all-around who I am when I’m by myself. Besides–everyone has to mentally recharge before going on another adventure!

8-/ is supposed to represent a nerd. I’ve been digging myself into books and writing and Smallville lately, cooped up in the bedroom that I’ve missed for over eight months. I probably sound a bit pathetic, but like I said above I’m enjoying this downtime. I have been catching up with all the things that I wasn’t able to do during the school year-especially read, write, and watch movies. I’m having a rather “nerdy summer,” but I’m loving it. :)


Let’s See That “Inanimation”!

QOTD: If you could be any inanimate object, what would you choose to be and why?

YAYY!!! I have been dreaming of this moment every single night for exactly thirty-seven days (total exaggeration is required to emphasize the excitement boiling inside of me right now).

It’s finally time for “Inanimation”!!! Let’s create our own Toy Stories, breathe life into those lost and forgotten dusty pieces of old furniture in our attics, and make kitchen utensils dance and sing as they make your favorite chicken pot pie!

As a short recap, here is the blogfest task:

The idea is to write an entry of NO MORE THAN 1000 words that somehow incorporates the personification of inanimate objects. It can be a poem, a short short, a letter (perhaps to your favorite childhood toy?), a fairytale, a scene from a dream, or even a song–anything you want! It can be something you’ve written in the past or it could be totally brand new…it’s all up to you!


30-Day Challenge 17: I Forgive You, Blogger

QOTD: Yes, I must ask this worldwide debatable question…e-books or print books?

Day 17: Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why. I kind of like my life, but if I had to switch lives for a day I’d probably swipe with J.K. Rowling. I’d get to be pals with Harry Freaking Potter & Co. (or at least the corresponding actors) and see what it’s like to be a world-renowned writer. Then, I could check off 2/134982019321 life goals of mine.

As most of you know, Blogger was under maintenance for 20.5 hours. You can view The Blogger Team’s message here at the Blogger Buzz. The first day Blogger was down, I kind of shrugged and let it go. Then starting yesterday afternoon I began to bite my nails excessively–a habit that I was supposed to have broken back in middle school–and checked Blogger’s Homepage EVERY hour. Okay, I admit it…I was starting to freak out. I mean, my very first “Inanimation” Blogfest is just a day away. I was afraid that this maintenance issue would continue on through tomorrow, and then what would become of my blogfest?


Reflections On My First Year of College

As I try to think back to the person I was right before my freshman year of college began, it’s hard to remember. It’s not as cut-and-dry as I want it to be, and I can’t compare and contrast as if these two Wendys are totally distinct opposites. They’re not…I guess I’m just trying to distinguish between what changes I have gone through and what of me still remains the same.

These past eight months have been nothing but trial and error. As much as I want to think of myself as an adult, the truth is that I don’t know what I’m doing at all. I have made so many mistakes this year…things I wish I could take back and redo, things that seem totally and utterly stupid now when I reflect on them. When I think about those mistakes, those are the moments when I cringe at the memories, curl up like a clam and wish that I could dig a hole to bury myself in and simply forget. I have learned so much from being a college student—and the lessons don’t stop there. I still have three more years left to stumble over rocks and beat my head on the wall afterwards.

Interview: An Evening With Writer Jordan-Marie Smith

Today we have Jordan-Marie Smith from Where Lies My Tarp? here with us to talk about her thoughts on the writing process and what her source of creativity comes from. I have known Jordan since the near beginning of high school, and she is simply AWESOME.

JMS will be graduating from high school in June. She will be attending American University in the fall with a major in International Relations and a minor in Journalism. Jordan enjoys writing various short stories and poetry (both fiction and non-fiction), all of which come from experiences that she has gone through in reality. When it comes to writing, it is her wish that readers will be able to “feel the weight of the characters’ emotions”. Her favorite color is black.

30-Day Challenge 10, 11, and 12: Catch-Up Day

Question of the Day: Does life ever make you feel rushed? Do you ever feel so busy that, everywhere you look, there are deadlines and chores and mouths to feed and must-do’s staring at you from every angle….and for just one moment you wish you could close your eyes and make all time and space stop?

I know I do! As exams and papers and end-of-the-year whatnots are looming over my head like levitating post-it notes, sometimes I feel like I could just make everything disappear so that my mind may be at peace for just a moment…a moment… *pause* And THEN the world can start spinning again like before.

Even so, I have found that, overall, I rather enjoy working under pressure with a million things to do rather than lounging about being unproductive for hours. It genuinely feels like my time is being spent well and effectively. (It must be confessed, however, that I am extremely looking forward to summer!!!)