30-Day Challenge 19: Strawberry Picking

QOTD: When was the last time you went on an adventure?

Day 19: Nicknames you’ve had and why you have them: For those of you who don’t already know, my first name is Wendy. Some nicknames (but not all, haha) that have been derived from that include Wendella, Wenalyn, Wen, Wenders, Windy, and Wen-Wen.

The other day, I went strawberry picking with my family at a local farm and it was SO, so much fun! I’ve enjoyed the quiescence of staying at home but it was nothing short of awesome being able to actually get out. The last time we went fruit picking it was apples, and I can’t even count on a single hand how many years ago that was.

There were actually quite a few people strawberry picking that day, even though the sun was sweltering hot on our cheeks and backs.

Look at the rows and rows of strawberry patches! We went all the way towards the back of the farm, where we figured fewer people had gone to pick. Ohh but it looks like some strawberries hadn’t been able to survive, poor things…

Strawberries were playing hide and seek with me. I won in the end though. There you are! Come to Mother Basket….

Only the juiciest, plumpest, and reddest went into our basket! ;) MMmmmMMMMmm.

Lurking by the patch…trying to catch sight of — ah! There’s a red one under those leaves!

And MORE!!! :D Hmm, these strawberries were particularly prickly and hairy…also, it was weird to see these green young’uns, which are actually not good to eat at all.

We had a total count of 147 strawberries! Yes….I counted them and sorted them into the categories of : 1) Reddest, 2) Not So Red, 3) Biggest, 4) Babies, 5) Mutants.

I took a mixture of Reddest, Babies, and Not So Red and put them into a new category:
The Chocoberries.

Aaaaand let the dipping begin!

MAN was it hard not to lay a finger on these rubies!!! I had my eye set particularly on the third one….yeap, the one that’s got chocolate dripping down.

Strawberries aren’t just good for eating–they’re good for taking photos of too. :D But….they are, FIRST and foremost, good for eating.

Somehow the chocoberries look even tastier and irresistible when I used the flash on my camera. Interesting. Well I was going to take more photos but I couldn’t wait anymore! The moment they were dry we ate them all up. :)

No worries….we still had about 120 strawberries left!!!

11 responses to “30-Day Challenge 19: Strawberry Picking”

  1. Lydia K says:

    I have a few strawberry plants in my garden and they’re just starting to ripen. I’m going to HAVE to do this!

  2. WritingNut says:

    Ohhh myyyy GOSh, those strawberries look amazing!!! I want some right now!

    We used to go berry picking and apple picking quite a bit when I was younger, but we haven’t gone for quite some time… thanks so much for bringing back some great memories. :)

    And I think it’s been far too long since I’ve had an adventure!

  3. AllMyPosts says:

    Chocoberries are mouth watering for sure!!! Thanks for posting!!

    with warm regards
    CatchyTips for Writers

  4. i totally love strawberries! and i can’t believe you had so many left over! my friends have been strawberry picking, but i never have–now i have to go some day.

  5. Becca. says:

    i’ve always wanted to go strawberry picking!

    thankyou for the comment on my blog :)

  6. Becca. says:

    looking at this post again is making me hungry! (after i read this the first time i made myself chocolate and strawberries…)

    thankyou for the comment on my blog! :)

  7. Talli Roland says:

    Oh, strawberry picking! I haven’t done that for ages and ages, and those berries look so good!

  8. Becca. says:

    thanks for the comment on my blog :)
    hope you have a good day! x


  9. The strawberries are making my mouth water. Hope you don’t mind, I ate few of them. Couldn’t resist.

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