Meet: The “Hope” Bompkin

EEK! I am SO excited for National Novel Writing Month I can hardly think of words to express my, er… excitement! There are only FOUR more days!! I have heard people use SO many adjectives to express their thoughts about what NaNoWriMo is like. Crazy, impossible, amazing, unthinkable, ridiculous. What do I call it? Exhilarating.
Most of the time, my life nowadays is a routine. Day in, and day out, I go to class, I study in the library, I eat at the university dining hall, I study some more, I eat, and I sleep. Oh, and I blog. ;) I enjoy my days, but quite honestly they can get kind of monotonous after a while. I mean, eating the same shrimp scampi and vegetable soup from the same cafeteria every single day CAN get a little boring. Just a little bit. Sometimes, I feel like I just need to…GARRR!!!! Have some sort of wild frenzy and chaos.
That is exactly what NaNoWriMo offers. No wonder I’ve been addicted to it since 2006.
In my last post, I talked about how creating baby steps (aka little goals) and incentives for accomplishments will help me and you win National Novel Writing Month. At the end, I said “baby steps, that’s all it is,” and the moment I published that post I could already hear fellow readers saying EASIER SAID THAN DONE! in my mind. So I just HAD to continue that concept of “baby steps” in this post…
Unfortunately, November happens to be one of the busiest months of the year. Thanksgiving, Election Day, midterms for some schools, homecoming for other schools, et cetera. And writing 1,667 words a day isn’t easy with a busy schedule, even one that is only moderately heavy with work and chores and events. But it IS possible and doable.
So I’ve created a hypothetical schedule that is hypothetically supposed to be planned out as a typical day in November for a hypothetical mother who is doing NaNoWriMo for the first time, even with Thanksgiving looming over her head and three kiddies to tend.
I. am. SO. PUMPED. for. NANOWRIMO 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeez, I don’t think I could add another exclamation point. Well…maybe one more. !!! (Three more, actually) :) Starting on November 1st, every participant from around the world will be doing this crazy, seemingly impossible, incredible, amazing, wacky thing called National Novel Writing Month.
It seems like the days leading up to and during your first year move into college is always bogged down with loads of events, work, and…well, unexpected unfortunate events. Unfortunately, one of those unfortunate events (in a series of unfortunate events, of course) for me was having my camera lose all of my pictures (including the ones for my last Summer China 2010 Scrapbook Post #3: Fashion) before I could upload them. Yep. What’s even worse is that my camera has gone completely nuts and various buttons and knobs on the thing won’t even work now. So I guess that’s bye bye to China Scrapbook. :(
To make up for my lack of useful posts lately, I’ve decided to do a nice little book review on Picking Cotton, a non-fiction novel by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton. We read this book for our Summer Reading Program at my college (which I currently now attend, YAY!) and participated in small group discussions today. Here is a summary as well as my thoughts and some of the points that my group touched base on today.
Firstly, I’d like to say HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!! Thanks to all the wonderful daddies in this world for being so awesome. :) My sister and I cooked scrambled eggs and a variety of omelettes this morning for the family. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any photos of breakfast but I’d be more than happy to describe the entire meal.