Happy Father’s Day!!!
As I try to think back to the person I was right before my freshman year of college began, it’s hard to remember. It’s not as cut-and-dry as I want it to be, and I can’t compare and contrast as if these two Wendys are totally distinct opposites. They’re not…I guess I’m just trying to distinguish between what changes I have gone through and what of me still remains the same.
These past eight months have been nothing but trial and error. As much as I want to think of myself as an adult, the truth is that I don’t know what I’m doing at all. I have made so many mistakes this year…things I wish I could take back and redo, things that seem totally and utterly stupid now when I reflect on them. When I think about those mistakes, those are the moments when I cringe at the memories, curl up like a clam and wish that I could dig a hole to bury myself in and simply forget. I have learned so much from being a college student—and the lessons don’t stop there. I still have three more years left to stumble over rocks and beat my head on the wall afterwards.
Day 13: A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.