Category Archives: Chautauqua


Happy Father’s Day!!!

Question of the Day: Tell us what makes your father the best dad in the world! :)


Here’s to all the dads, uncles, grandfathers, stepfathers, and every other father figure out there!!! Thanks for saving us every single day, just by being there for us. :) YOU’RE THE GREATEST SUPER-DADS EVER.


30-Day Challenge 20: FoR tHe LoVe Of GrApHiCs

QOTD: Do you read your horoscope? What do you think about astrology?

Day 20: One word that sums you up as a person. Oh WOW this is a really hard one. Hmm,luckily I just stumbled upon this page of “words that don’t exist in the English language”, and I have to say meraki sums me up best.

Meraki–(Greek): doing something with soul, creativity, or love

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One thing I really like about Blogger is that you can follow any blog you want regardless of its site domain…it can be WordPress, Tumblr, anything! Tumblr is one of my guilty pleasures and probably my #2 source of procrastination (Facebook is #1), but it just makes me so happy. You can always find the most random things–graphics, quotes, photos, you name it–and they are always just…so inspirational.

Over the next couple of days I will be writing a rather lengthy movie review, so today I just thought I’d share with you some of my favorite graphics that I have had the lucky opportunity to “tumble/stumble” upon in the past. Enjoy!!!


Reflections On My First Year of College

As I try to think back to the person I was right before my freshman year of college began, it’s hard to remember. It’s not as cut-and-dry as I want it to be, and I can’t compare and contrast as if these two Wendys are totally distinct opposites. They’re not…I guess I’m just trying to distinguish between what changes I have gone through and what of me still remains the same.

These past eight months have been nothing but trial and error. As much as I want to think of myself as an adult, the truth is that I don’t know what I’m doing at all. I have made so many mistakes this year…things I wish I could take back and redo, things that seem totally and utterly stupid now when I reflect on them. When I think about those mistakes, those are the moments when I cringe at the memories, curl up like a clam and wish that I could dig a hole to bury myself in and simply forget. I have learned so much from being a college student—and the lessons don’t stop there. I still have three more years left to stumble over rocks and beat my head on the wall afterwards.

30-Day Challenge 10, 11, and 12: Catch-Up Day

Question of the Day: Does life ever make you feel rushed? Do you ever feel so busy that, everywhere you look, there are deadlines and chores and mouths to feed and must-do’s staring at you from every angle….and for just one moment you wish you could close your eyes and make all time and space stop?

I know I do! As exams and papers and end-of-the-year whatnots are looming over my head like levitating post-it notes, sometimes I feel like I could just make everything disappear so that my mind may be at peace for just a moment…a moment… *pause* And THEN the world can start spinning again like before.

Even so, I have found that, overall, I rather enjoy working under pressure with a million things to do rather than lounging about being unproductive for hours. It genuinely feels like my time is being spent well and effectively. (It must be confessed, however, that I am extremely looking forward to summer!!!)


30-Day Challenge 9: Meet RES Turtles, David & Little Cloud

Question of the Day: What are some song lyrics that really mean a lot to you?

Day 09: Something you’re proud of in the past few days.

Today, I played Frisbee with a friend for the first time in…well, a VERY long time! My Frisbee-throwing was pretty shaky at first, but after a few rounds I got better and was able to make a few good tosses. Even though I’m still a “Frisbee-ginner,” it was great being able to brush up on my hand-eye coordination skills and, especially after hours of studying in the library, get some exercise in!

How do you find the time in your schedule to exercise and stay in shape?


30-Day Challenge 1: Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Question of the Day: What is one thing you crave the most? It could be cookies, American Idol, the rush of performing on stage, anything!

Day 01: Post a picture of you and 10 interesting facts about yourself.
Sadly, I have a strict no-people-photos policy so I will have to skip that part of the challenge. The 10 interesting facts, though? I think I can handle that. :)

1. I can burp by will.
2. My macaroni and cheese dish is a beast (a good one!).
3. Someday, I plan to open up my own restaurant and name it: The Macaroni Shop.
4. I secretly believe in magic. Okay…maybe it’s not so secret anymore.
5. For past Halloweens, I have been a cat, a pirate, a gypsy, a twin, Little Red Riding Hood, myself, a sorority girl, just to name a few.
6. I am by far the slowest eater you will ever meet.
7. When I was little, I made doll clothes for fun.
8. I am terrified of the dark and wet paper.
9. I was named after Wendy’s the fast-food restaurant.
10. I don’t know how to put makeup on (excluding lip balm and nail polish).


February 100 + 30 Day Challenge + Chinese New Year Eve

Question of the Day: Fill in the blank…you were born in the year of the _________ (hint: Check out your Zodiac!).

Happy February, everyone! I know I’m a day behind, but hey better late than never. :) I can’t believe I’m already in my 2nd semester of college…way too scary to even think about it. I suppose when you’re constantly doing Economics (*dodges*) and Calculus (*cringe) all day long the days do tend to eventually blur together.

I’ve got midterms in both of those classes next week. Honestly, I think that those classes are seriously out to get me. I have homework due in those classes every two days on the same day. And the classes take place every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Eek! And contrary to popular belief about Asians, I am not good at math, nor do I like it. On a brighter note, this will probably be the hardest semester I have as an undergraduate, I am thinking. As long as I get through this semester, the hard math-related parts of college will be over (hopefully).

Instead of thinking about the hard parts of this semester that have yet to come (integrals are even worse than derivatives, I hear!), I’m trying to focus on what I HAVE accomplished so far.


A Look Inside My Subconscious

Question of the Day: Is there a question you would like to ask ME? =P If so, feel free to leave them in the comments below.

In my last post, I reviewed “Inception,” one of the biggest must-see hit films of 2010. My previous Question of the Day was: Are you a heavy dreamer? Do you ever know when you are dreaming or not? Do those dreams ever come back to you in the morning? Some of you said that you often do not remember your dreams in the morning, while others of you said your dreams can get pretty intense sometimes.

And what about me? I suppose one of the reasons why “Inception” sticks with me so well and really made an impact on me is the fact that I also have very vivid dreams. There are times when the Dream World I’m trapped in is so animated and detailed that I believed the dream to be true. During my most dynamic and dramatic ones, my mind is very active and I am still thinking while dreaming…it almost feels like I AM awake, yet I cannot actually wake myself up.

Dreams have always fascinated me, and I really believe that they tell us so much more about ourselves than we realize when we’re awake, and if we choose to let them, our dreams can help us understand ourselves, how we think, and our innermost thoughts and feelings that we repress so deeply inside.

A-hem. Sorry to get all Freudian on you today. I’d like to share with you a few of the most bizarre dreams that I have ever had in my life. None of them are made up at all…which is definitely hard to believe once you read them. Take a peek…