Call for Submissions: Wander Magazine Wants “Travel Horror Stories” From YOU!

#DailyWings: “I am on the alert for the first signs of spring, to hear the chance note of some arriving bird, or the striped squirrel’s chirp, for his stores must be now nearly exhausted, or see the woodchuck venture out of his winter quarters.”
– Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Earlier today, we were greeted — as if “greet” is the right word — with a flurry of snow. On my way to class, the wind and snow almost knocked me over! Either North Carolina weather is being ridiculous or I need to start eating meat again. What is going on, y’all? I mean, it’s almost April.

Now that we’ve established the peculiarity of April snow, I wanted to share an awesome opportunity with you: Ever wanted to be published in a magazine? 

One of the best things about being a student at the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Journalism & Mass Communication is getting involved with various media projects in a professional news setting. This semester, I’m on the staff for Wander travel magazine, a JOMC 456 class project that has just released a call for submissions. My wonderful readers, if you have studied abroad (or currently are), spent a holiday somewhere exotic, conducted research in different parts of the world or engaged in other all-around cool things while traveling, this might interest you:

We’re looking for memorable “travel horror stories” from people who have traveled abroad outside the United States. This includes cultural food first-times, language flubs, awkward moments, you name it. We’re in search for fun, amusing and quirky anecdotes from anyone at all — you don’t have to be a UNC student! If you’ve got a good story you’d like to tell, just comment below or email me at

Submissions should be no more than 100-200 words long. They’re really just short snippets — a few sentences about a “horrifying” experience you had while traveling abroad.

Other details: Some folks have been sending in longer entries; if it’s just a little bit longer than the 200-word limit, that’s fine. The design of this feature also depends on how many submissions we receive, so if we have fewer entries to choose from then having 200-word forms would work.


What’s the weirdest, wackiest, scariest thing that has happened to you while traveling abroad? Share in comments below!

3 responses to “Call for Submissions: Wander Magazine Wants “Travel Horror Stories” From YOU!”

  1. Donna Hole says:

    I have an Aussie friend who might be interested in this. Oh, I see her picture in friend connect – L’Aussie Denise. Still, I’ll give her the link in case she missed it.


  2. Trisha F says:

    Ooh, great opportunity! I will see if I can dig something up from my vaults :)

  3. The strangest thing would be Mexico on a school trip MANY MANY eons ago– the guys who hang around tourist girls like mosquitos!

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