#DailyWings: “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” -Leo Tolstoy
Happy October, everyone! Autumn is finally here — bring out the turtlenecks, brew that hot cocoa and jump in a pile of just-raked leaves!
With autumn comes so many possibilities for change and surprise.The temperatures here in Chapel Hill are fluctuating daily, and Mother Nature seems to be as undecided as I am when I pick outfits in the morning. This afternoon, I met with a friend over hot chocolate at
The Daily Grind, a small espresso cafe by the campus bookstore, watching the rain drizzle outside and chatting about history, movies and books. What could be better?
Today I want to take this chance to introduce a website that I am a part of. Since this summer, I have had the wonderful opportunity to serve as curriculum developer for
Everyday Ambassador, “a movement for responsible global citizenship in a digital world.” At EA, we believe in the importance of cultural understanding, human connectivity and public service, no matter where you are. The Everyday Ambassador team is in the process of organizing workshops, developing a related curriculum and launching the “EA TV” video series.
We feature 500-800 word posts from a variety of contributors — members of nonprofit organizations, active individuals, global travelers — who share their experiences with engaging in public service. These posts are published on our blog multiple times a week, so if you’re interested, please feel free to contact our community manager, Meg VanDeusen, at meg@everydayambassador.org.
Reading about lessons learned during
gap years abroad, support networks used to facilitate communication for aid workers, and transformations in the
public service mindsets of so many everyday ambassadors each week reminds me why I keep going, and why I am a part of EA. How can I not feel motivated to take action when there is so much going on in the world around me? Everyday Ambassador constantly reminds me that it’s never too late to make a change for the better, no matter how small that change may seem. Whether we are striving to keep an open mind, maintain good intentions or break down the barriers that are blocking our goals, every step counts.
These days, I am trying to move beyond a fear of failure. That fear only leads me to doing nothing. I am tired of doing nothing. I want to do things that will make me proud to say, “I tried.” Perhaps life isn’t about success and achievements, but rather all the things we did to get where we are. The blood and sweat and tears and time well-spent, well-shed. Even if we don’t get the results we’d hoped for, we inevitably come out of the experience changed, often for the better. And, hopefully, so do the people whose lives we touch. We can say we did our best.
As always, the hardest part about anything is taking the first step. Making the conscientious choice to move forward, even if we’re not sure where that step will take us next. I wonder where we will be once we take that chance?
If you’re interested in what Everyday Ambassador is all about, check out our Twitter and Facebook, where we share meaningful articles and thoughtful discussions. Join us in the conversation! We would love to hear your thoughts.

I love the changing weather here in NorCal too. But, jeans and t-shirts work for all seasons, lol.
Edison didn’t fail 1000 times; he learned a thousand ways not to make a light bulb.
Thanks for stopping by, Donna! So true – jeans are definitely one of my favorite pieces of clothing to wear during autumn.
And I love that tidbit about Edison! I think I have heard that somewhere before. :)
Just stopping by to say thank you so much for always being such a great blogger and for being there for me as well. I enjoy reading TRA.