Category Archives: Writing Remarks

Writing Remarks

Lovely Versatile Bloggers

Question of the Day: If you could use a seasoning (ex: Garlic Salt, Paprika, Chili Powder, etc.) to describe your personality or life, what would you pick and why?

Thank you, Amanda Sablan, for this award. You truly made my day!! :) Apparently I am supposed to think up of 7 more facts about myself…

1) I hate all and any sodas/soft drinks. I don’t like that tingly feeling my tongue gets from the bubbliness. WATER ALL THE WAY!!!

2) My birthday is on Tuesday (June 22nd) and I will be turning 18. I find that very scary. O_O

3) Alongside J.K. Rowling, I absolutely love Jodi Picoult. Her novel My Sister’s Keeper is one of my favorite books of all time. There’s a dash of everything in it…romance, friendship, suspense…you name it. Definitely worth the time to read. Other notable books of Picoult’s that I’ve read are: The Pact, The Tenth Circle, and a few others that I can’t think of at this moment in time. xD

Character Profile #3:

Question of the Day: How heavily do political views weigh between you and your friends? Are political views a huge factor in who you befriend?

Okay, so much for writing a character profile once a week. T_T I know, I know, I’m very behind. But now I realize that character profiles actually take quite a lot of time to make, especially with the passages. Another reason why they’ve been hard to keep up with is because I don’t go out very much, thus I’m not around very many different people…at least not enough people for me to find at least one person that sticks out to me with a strong personality and is character-profile-worthy.

Thus, I’m going to have to cut back my character profiles to once a month. I’d rather write occasional, exceptional, and well thought-out character profiles rather than frequent, mediocre, and boring ones. I’m also going to add a new bullet to each character profile: Actor/Actress. For this one, I’ll be choosing a certain actor/actress who I believe would represent that character well.

I decided to do this character profile on Sophie, the main character of my first self-published book, Sophie. There’s a link at the bottom where you can purchase the book, read a passage from it, and/or skim a short summary if you wish. Now you may be wondering why I’d do a profile on a character whom I’ve already written about. I’ve got a sequel aka WIP coming up and I think the profile would be helpful for me in maintaining Sophie’s character in the book and make sure that I stay true to her self.

A Fulfilled Legacy

Question of the Day: What television show character do you identify with the most and why?

Today, our high school’s literary magazine was officially published and printed. 25 brand new copies, trimmed and bounded by our lovely Graphics Department chair. Don’t you just love the smell and feel of freshly made books? As editor-in-chief of the publication, I’ve been swelling up full of pride and joy over this third issue and been reflecting now more than ever about Graduation and what sort of contributions I have made to my high school.

You see, the school’s “Lit Mag” had died by the time I was a freshman; it had been at least three or four years since the last issue had been printed and nobody had desired to pick it back up. So I did. Each year since then I’ve been brought back Lit Mag club and have now published three issues of the new Literary Magazine. And I have to say that this year’s is by far the best.

Give Me Your Titles!

Question of the Day: Waffles or pancakes?

Now that my AP exams are over, I’m finally getting back into my reading mode. This summer, I hope to finish reading The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot and also complete Picking Cotton by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton. The latter is actually for my college’s Summer Reading Program, and I thought participating would be a great way to jumpstart my freshman year. Both books are quite well-known; I will definitely be rating and reviewing them once I finish and, of course, sharing my thoughts here with all of you! If you’ve already read these two books, shh!! Don’t tell me anything! ;)

I don’t think I’ve done any book reviews on my blog before, so this is what this post* is all about. My book reviews aren’t nearly as extensive as my movie reviews; plus, I’d like to keep my posts shorter than before since I realize now that my previous ones tend to be long-winding and very texty! D: Sorry about that. I’ve been blogging for quite a few months now, yet I am still learning everyday what it means to be a good blogger.

Hope you enjoy this post dedicated to books!

Character Profile #2

Question of the Day: In honor of late Poetry Month (April), who is your favorite poet and what are some of his or her poems that you enjoy?

Yes, yes, here is the Character Profile #2 that I know all of you have been waiting for for over a week! I am very sorry for being MIA…no, I did not die and return back to life, I was merely studying for my AP exams. I had my first exam today and have two left! Wish me luck!

As a reminder, creating these character profiles gives me the opportunity to practice writing full characterizations that can potentially be used in stories and other literary works of mine.

For these profiles, I pull certain people from my day-to-day life that I find extremely interesting (not in the creepy way) and with distinct mannerisms that would shape them into perfect characters for a story and do a character profile on them. After the profile, I allways write a short passage from a potential story in the point of view of someone who is physically close to the character at a certain moment.

Enjoy, and feel free to let me know what you think about Jayla*. :)


Character Profile #1

Question of the Day: What do you personally get out of taking your time to blog? To put simpler, why do you blog?
One of the most critical aspects of creating a novel or even just a short story is characterization, because the characters are what makes the story come alive. Their facial features, their actions, the way they view the world and the other characters they interact with, their thoughts and feelings, and their reactions to events all play major parts in determining who exactly the characters are.
Sadly, I do not fully developed my characters well enough at all. I get so excited with my SNI (Sexy New Idea, as Frankie Diane calls it) that I delve right into it and start writing my heart out. However, for all of the novels that I have begun in the past, there comes a time when I hit a total roadblock, a dead end if you will, and run out of things for my characters to say and do on a day-by-day basis. And I believe that I must attribute this to my lack of complete characterization. How can I write the audacious, romantic, inspiring story of my main character…if I myself do not fully know who exactly the main character is? How can I speak for my character when I have yet to know him or her through and through?


My “Do Not Be a Critter Killer” Article

snails, slow writing, writers
Question of the Day: What type of writing do you enjoy the most? Poetry, short stories, creative nonfiction, essays, or other?
Good day! The March issue of my high school newspaper came out today. =) Unfortunately, I only had one story and only a couple photos published in this issue, but that is because I was put in charge of our April Fool’s issue that is coming out, well, on April Fool’s! More about that later. Here we have my “Do Not Be a Critter Killer” article, and yes, that is the original title. Please enjoy, and let me know what you think about it!
“Do Not Be a Critter Killer”By Wendy

There once was a very small snail named Jack. He was a brave fellow admired by all of his friends and family. Jack sported a beautiful, coral pink shell that other snails believed would bring him good luck and fortune some day.

One day, our friend Jack rolled his way outside into the bright sun to fetch some food for his family. As Jack whistled his way towards some crunchy-looking plants, he suddenly heard vibrations all around him. The ground below seemed to shake slightly, and before he could turn around and realize his inevitable fate, Jack was smashed underneath a large, human-sized shoe. His beautiful coral shell was crushed into a thousand little pieces. There went his luck, and Jack was no more.

My First Blog Award

Question of the Day: What was the last accomplishment you made?

Today, I received my first nomination for a blog award from Cheryl Clarke! This really means a lot to me, so thank you very much, Cheryl! =]


1. Thank the person that nominated you.
2. Copy the award and place it on your own blog.
3. Post a link to nominator.
4. Express seven things about yourself.
5. Nominate seven other bloggers.
6. Link them.


Question of the Day: Home is where the heart is. Where is your home?

Although I love North Carolina and have been living for the past ten years, the only place I have ever really felt at home is Massachusetts. When I am there, I feel completely happy and at peace. My heart is settled and I think that there is nowhere else in the world that I would rather be.

My favorite time of the year is when I get to visit my home. I have the time of my life there, and it is always a sad day when I must say goodbye to all the things that I am most familiar with. The days that I spend reminiscing, I have only sweet memories to take me back to “yester-year.”* Here is a poem I wrote in 2009.

My “Texting While Driving Sucks” Article

As I have mentioned in past blog posts, I work for my high school’s student-run newspaper. This semester, I serve as the Production Editor and write for the Opinion section. Our first issue of the semester comes out next Thursday…here is the article I wrote on how much texting while driving sucks:

“Texting While Driving Sucks”
(official title to be determined)

You twiddle your fingers on the steering wheel while sitting in your brand new Lexus on the intersection between Candy Lane and Cellular Drive*. The red light has not changed for two whole minutes, and you are growing impatient.

Suddenly, a loud ding! causes your heart to skip a few beats. You scramble around your pocket, pull out that must-have Blackberry and look up just in time to catch a glimpse of the green-glowing stoplight signaling Go.

Before pressing down on the gas pedal, you glance at the phone and notice a text that your BFF Sally sent, asking you about your last cruise to the Bahamas. Um, there is no question about it. You HAVE to text her back. Now. Never mind that this particular intersection is one of the dangerous ones in town. Never mind that you witnessed a car accident only last week, which caused you to be late for school. I mean, who wouldn’t want to break their neck from texting while driving?