Abstract Art and Its Impact on the Human Mind

“Green of Beauty” Painting by Chidi Okoye

Abstract art has been around for centuries, and hundreds of abstract artists have created masterpieces that people are able to study and appreciate daily, whether it be through collecting them or seeing them in museums and shows or even examining them in college/graduate classes. To me, abstract art is my favorite type of visual art because I feel like abstract art has no boundaries. Almost everyone sees something different in a piece of abstract work, because, well, it’s just that. Abstract.

Different colors make us feel different emotions. To some of us, royal blue seems to give of a melancholy, rather sad and nostalgic, feeling. To others of us, the color has a complacent, calm and reserved effect. Likewise, different shapes and textures remind us of certain things, based on the short-term and long-term experiences that we have had in our lifetime.

So today’s Question of the Day is…what do YOU see and feel when you look at this abstract painting, created by modern artist Chidi Okoye? What sort of experiences, memories, energy gets conjured up within you?


*Image taken from World Wide Web.

4 responses to “Abstract Art and Its Impact on the Human Mind”

  1. Amanda Sablan says:

    For some reason, ladybugs keep coming to mind. If you manage to catch one, they’ll flit around on your finger for just a moment, then suddenly take off. :]

  2. Josh says:

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  3. it actually reminds me of a different piece of work. and the green and blue together like that make me want to take pictures in a forest next to a lake. so i guess the art is peaceful and serene to me.


  4. Hi. Found you through Stephanie’s link.
    I first saw Aztec or ancient Egyptian designs and then, of all things, I thought of those strange crop mazes seen from the air. I love the density of the colors.

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